*Deprecated* See https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/VIVODOC/All+Documentation for current documentation

Arbitrary sort of publications

back up to User Stories: Defining features and functionality VIVO needs - September 2011

User types involved

Narrative User Story (for sharing/review/voting)

to be written


By default, publications in VIVO are grouped (collated) by type and sorted in inverse chronological order, showing the most recent first. The default way of sorting publications ought should be in order of recency. However, it might also make sense to provide users the ability to tweak this order when necessary.

Wish list for improvement

  • including as close to a full citation for the publication in each author's VIVO profile, as the data permits – Tim Worrall made a great start on this with VIVO 1.4
  • making it possible to order the appearance of publication types other than alphabetically by type – this requires respecting the annotations on classes and properties, which some of the display code has not. See NIHVIVO-3415
  • making it possible to specify a format for the citations assembled by VIVO in displaying an author's page – this we see as an enhancement to follow controls for sorting and hiding
  • types of sort:
    • sort by topic - Some profiled researchers might want to draw attention to the range of different fields they participate in and may want to create subject categories (e.g., Statistics, Public Health, Proteomics, etc.) and then sort their publications that way. – where would the topic information on publications come from?
      • Where do new publications appear upon ingest? Include the publications in a category called "latest" or "most recent"
    • arbitrary reorder of publications - Some profiled researchers might want their magnum opus, even though it may not be the most recent, to show up first in a list of publications. – completely arbitrary ordering is more difficult than specifying globally whether to order by inverse chronological order overall or by after being collated by publication type. Follow the ["Edit and display ontology and implementation" component to see where this is going for 1.5
      • Where do new publications appear upon ingest? Give authorized users a checkbox to decide whether newly ingested publications appear at the top or bottom of a page. – a review interface for new content has been identified as desirable for some time, based on a Digital Vita promotional video that was widely circulated. Work on this is currently deferred to version 1.6, where it's identified as the http://issues.library.cornell.edu/browse/NIHVIVO/component/11065 "Content review/rejection UI" component

Technical considerations

Priority or staging considerations