Old Release

This documentation relates to an old version of VIVO, version 1.11.x.
Looking for another version? See all documentation.

Although VIVO is configured to use SDB backed with an RDMS as the default triple store, VIVO comes with configuration examples for the following other triple stores as well:

  • Jena TDB
  • Virtuoso
  • Remote triple store, connecting via SPARQL over HTTP

This documentation details how to configure Apache Jena's Fuseki 2 triple store, such that VIVO uses it as a remote triple store.

Installation and Configuration

Fuseki 2

The installation of Fuseki described here uses the standalone, executable JAR file. This is perfect for easily getting an environment up and running; however, for production, Fuseki's WAR file installation is likely more suitable.

  1. Download Fuseki (using apache-jena-fuseki-3.14.0 in this documentation) 
  2. Extract the download package into a directory we will refer to as FUSEKI_BASE
  3. The following files/directories should be found in FUSEKI_BASE

    ├── bin
    ├── fuseki
    ├── fuseki-backup
    ├── fuseki-server
    ├── fuseki-server.bat
    ├── fuseki-server.jar
    ├── fuseki.service
    ├── fuseki.war
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── NOTICE
    ├── README
    └── webapp
  4. Start fuseki:

    $ java -jar fuseki-server.jar
  5. By default, the fuseki service web console is available at: http://localhost:3030
  6. In the web console, there is an option to "add a dataset"... do so, naming it 'vivo'
    1. As the "Dataset type", select "Persistent". This uses TDB as Fuseki's backend triple store
  7. Stop the fuseki-server
  8. A new directory has been created within FUSEKI_BASE, named "run" (see Fuseki reference for files contained within the "run" directory)
  9. There should be a configuration file named "vivo.ttl" found within the "FUSEKI_BASE/run/configuration" directory
  10. Update "vivo.ttl" to use a union graph so that queries to fuseki do not need to specify named graphs

    ** Change **
            a             tdb:DatasetTDB ;
            tdb:location  "/path/to/FUSEKI_BASE/run/databases/vivo" .
    ** To **
            a             tdb:DatasetTDB ;
            tdb:location  "/path/to/FUSEKI_BASE/run/databases/vivo" ;
            tdb:unionDefaultGraph true .
  11. Restart fuseki


These instructions detail how to configure VIVO to use the above, remote Fuseki triple store as an alternative to VIVO's default triple store configuration.

  1. In VIVO's "applicationSetup.n3", make the following two changes
    1. Uncomment and update the ":sparqlContentTripleSource" 

          a   vitroWebapp:triplesource.impl.sparql.ContentTripleSourceSPARQL ,
              vitroWebapp:modules.tripleSource.ContentTripleSource ;
          # The URI of the SPARQL endpoint for your triple-store.
          :hasEndpointURI "http://localhost:3030/vivo/query" ;
          # The URI to use for SPARQL UPDATE calls against your triple-store. 
          :hasUpdateEndpointURI "http://localhost:3030/vivo/update" .
      1. Notice the "query" and "update" endpoints provided by Fuseki on the newly created "vivo" dataset
    2. Change the ":application" section to reference the ":sparqlContentTripleSource"

          :hasContentTripleSource       :sparqlContentTripleSource ;


Restart VIVO... connected to Fuseki!

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