1. Harvesting of records from DSpace should support the following options:
    1. All DSpace Items
    2. DSpace items modified or added in some time interval (start and end date and time)
    3. DSpace items belonging to one or to the list of certain collections (at least in one collection, but it might be that some item belongs to more collections)
    4. DSpace items belonging to one or to the list of certain communities, i.e. to collections linked with those communities
    5. DSpace items linked with a researcher or group (list) of researchers
    6. DSpace items belonging to an organization unit (affiliated researchers)
    7. DSpace items linked with a super-publication (journal), or event (conference)
    8. All DSpace communities
    9. Communities modified or added in some time interval (start and end date and time)
    10. All DSpace collections
    11. Collections modified or added in some time interval (start and end date and time)
    12. DSpace Items in accordance with a custom SPARQLQuery
    13. DSpace Communities in accordance with a custom SPARQLQuery
    14. DSpace Collections in accordance with a custom SPARQLQuery
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