This manual was used till VIVO 1.12.2. After that, the preparation of release candidates and publishing releases is partially automatized. 

Create release branches and begin final test phase

Create a release candidate branch, release testing wiki page and notify developers to test.

Variable release number

Using the above variable, complete the below git commands for each module being released.   The modules to be released are shown in the VIVO modules release plan.   A new tab may need to be added for this release.   When the steps below are complete for a specific module, change the color to green, so that others know what's been done. 

NOTE: The value of RC_VERSION will vary for each release.

git checkout <main -or- maintenance-branch>
git pull
git push origin <main -or- maintenance-branch>:rel-${RC_VERSION}-RC

Tag the release candidate branch

git checkout ${RC_VERSION}-RC
git tag -a "rel-${RC_VERSION}-RC-1" -m "rel-${RC_VERSION}-RC-1"
git push origin --tags

Script Example for Linux or MINGW64 on Windows:

# RC Script


git checkout develop
git pull
git push origin develop:rel-${RC_VERSION}-RC

git checkout rel-${RC_VERSION}-RC
git tag -a "rel-${RC_VERSION}-RC-${RC_NUM}" -m "rel-${RC_VERSION}-RC-${RC_NUM}"
git push origin --tags

# Created Branch and Tag Examples
# (Branch)
# (Tag)
# (Branch)
# (Tag)

Some of the previous steps can be done directly into github interface as described in following tutorials:

Optional - Deploy Snapshot Artifacts

If the release candidate is coming off of a "maintenance" branch instead of "develop", it is possible that snapshot artifacts have not been deployed to the Sonatype snapshot repository. If this is the case, Travis will fail to build.

You can check if the snapshot artifacts exist by looking for each module. For example:


If the snapshot artifacts do not exist, you can deploy them to Sonatype with the following command:  (Note: "sonatype-nexus-snapshots" is the server name used in the maven settings.xml file)

mvn -DaltDeploymentRepository=sonatype-nexus-snapshots::default:: deploy -DskipTests

Build resources

Once a release has been created, it should be uploaded to GitHub as a Pre-Release.   A Pre-Release should be created for jenatools, Vitro, and VIVO.   The name should be  "Release Candidate 1 - RC_VERSION".

Release Day

Create a new tab in the VIVO modules release plan spreadsheet.

  • Follow the release order of the spreadsheet plan

Variables Used

These variables will be used in the examples that follow.  The exact values of $ORG and $REPO will vary depending on which module is being released.


Github Release

Perform a clean checkout of the code from Github and prepare the release.

git clone$ORG/$REPO.git
cd $REPO
git checkout -b rel-${CURR}-RC origin/rel-${CURR}-RC # or the release branch if named differently
mvn release:clean

If release:clean fails, you may need to revert the RC commit with git revert HEAD.  If the parent snapshot is not available, build an old version of VIVO to populate it locally.

Resolve dependencies and set main versions to $CURR and dev versions to $NEXT

#For vivo languages, vitro languages, jenatools, and orcid-api-client
mvn release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=$CURR -DdevelopmentVersion=$NEXT -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DpushChanges=false

#For vitro
./ "${CURR}"
mvn -Dmessage="[maven-scm-plugin] prepare release vitro-${CURR}" scm:checkin -DpushChanges=false
mvn -Dtag="vitro-${CURR}" scm:tag -DpushChanges=false
./ "${NEXT}"
mvn -Dmessage="[maven-scm-plugin] prepare development vitro-${NEXT}" scm:checkin -DpushChanges=false

#For vivo
./ "${CURR}"
mvn -Dmessage="[maven-scm-plugin] prepare release vivo-${CURR}" scm:checkin -DpushChanges=false
mvn -Dtag="vivo-${CURR}" scm:tag -DpushChanges=false
./ "${NEXT}"
mvn -Dmessage="[maven-scm-plugin] prepare development vivo-${NEXT}" scm:checkin -DpushChanges=false

Your GPG passphrase may not be masked in terminal.

 If you have more than one personal key on your GPG keyring, you can specify the correct key by adding

-Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=<Your Key ID>

to the above mvn command.

Inspect/Verify local updates:

git diff HEAD~1
git diff HEAD~2 HEAD~1

These diffs should only contain changes of version numbers (from ${CURR}-SNAPSHOT to $CURR or $CURR to $NEXT) or occasionally HEAD to the current tag name ($REPO-$CURR)

Remove your local copies of VIVO artifacts to be sure of a clean build, and build the release.

rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/vivoweb
# for VIVO-languages use
git checkout vivo-languages-$CURR # detached head state
# for Vitro-languages use
git checkout vitro-languages-$CURR # detached head state 
# for VIVO use
git checkout vivo-$CURR # detached head state
# for Vitro use
git checkout vitro-$CURR # detached head state
mvn clean install

Up until this point, all of the changes made are strictly in your local repository and working directory.  From this point on, the changes you make will be visible to the world and in some cases difficult to back-out of. 

 Push the changes to Github.

git push origin --tags # mvn task relies on the tag, make sure it does not collide with a branch name

  • Go to$REPO/releases/

  • Click "Draft a new release", and update title to "Release $REPO-$CURR"
  • Attach appropriate artifacts
  • Attach artifact MD5 files (e.g. artifact = jena2tools-1.2.0.jar, MD5 = jenatools-1.2.0.jar.md5)
  • If appropriate, attach binaries and checksums that have been published to Maven Central
  • Click Publish Release

Sonatype Release

Release the build artifacts to the Sonatype repository.

Because VIVO and Vitro does not use the standard mvn release:prepare you will need to create a file for both.  They should be saved into the base directory of their respective projects.  Be sure to update the CURR and NEXT to the ones being used for this release.

#release configuration
Vitro -
#release configuration

Currently the remaining projects can start with this step.  While gpg.keyname isn't required if you have a global key setup it is recommended.  You must skip checkstyle during a deploy.

mvn release:perform -DperformRelease -Dgoals=deploy -e -Darguments="-Dgpg.keyname=XXXXYYYYXXXXYYYY -Dcheckstyle.skip=true"


mvn release:perform -DperformRelease -Dgoals=deploy -e -Darguments="-Dcheckstyle.skip=true"

As before, your GPG passphrase may not be masked in terminal.

 If you have more than one personal key on your GPG keyring, you can specify the correct key by adding

-Darguments=-Dgpg.keyname=<Your LONG FORM Key ID>

to the above mvn command.

Point of no return

The following steps, once completed are final.  They cannot be undone, revoked or altered.  Only proceed if you've completed all the above steps and are absolutely certain the release is ready for publication.

Additional Warning!! If autoReleaseAfterClose is set to true in your pom.xml then if the deploy passes the automated checks it WILL release! You will not be able to back this out!

  • Go to (Nexus Repository Manager)
  • Click on Log In (Top Right Corner) and use your ossrh id from your settings.xml file
  • Click Staging Repositories in left navigation under Build Promotion which will open a new tab

  • Search for "vivoweb" in upper right search box (project will not have $REPO in title)

  • Select repository and verify that $REPO is present in the Content tab
    • Look for the correct types as well - war, pom, jar, md5, asc, etc.
      • Note there is sometimes a delay on larger files showing in the Repo.
  • Click Close, then Refresh, then Release
  • After a few moments click into the search under Artifact Search in the left navigation and type "vivoweb"
  • A new Search tab will appear with all of the org.vivoweb Release artifacts
  • Verify that the new release versions are now listed
    • Note there is sometimes a delay on larger files showing in the Repo.

This will publish the artifacts to the Sonatype releases repository and start the process of syncing them with Maven Central, which may take several hours. When finished, they'll be available at

Push Release Branch to develop and Maintenance

The release branch has changes made since code freeze. It also contains the update to the version numbers for future development.

# this is to checkout your local copy of the release branch 
git checkout rel-${CURR}-RC
git log

Ensure that your commit history matches the release branch's commit history, except for the two additional commits. 

  1. Changing from SNAPSHOT version to release version. Something like [maven-release-plugin] prepare release $REPO-$CURR
  2. Changing from release version to next development version. Something like [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

If this appears correct, you can push your release branch on to the maintenance branch.

Push to Maintenance branch

#For vivo, vitro, vivo languages, vitro languages, jenatools, and orcid-api-client
#Needs to be completed for each project in release
#Example orcid-api-client-0.6.3 would become rel-0.6-maint

git push origin rel-${CURR}-RC:rel-${CURR[major.minor]}-maint

Merge into 'main' branch

#For vivo and vitro the main branch was previously develop but is now "main"
#For vivo languages, vitro languages, jenatools, and orcid-api-client the main branch is was master but is now "main"
#Needs to be completed for each project in release

# git checkout rel-${CURR}-RC
git checkout main
git pull
git merge heads/rel-${CURR}-RC
git push origin main

Clean-up RC Tags

git tag #view list of tags to verify it exists
git tag -d rel-${CURR}-RC-${RCNUM}
git push origin :refs/tags/rel-${CURR}-RC-${RCNUM}


#For vivo, vitro, vivo languages, vitro languages
git tag #view list of tags to verify it exists
git tag -d rel-1.11.1-RC-1
git push origin :refs/tags/rel-1.11.1-RC-1

#For jenatools
git tag #view list of tags to verify it exists
git tag -d rel-1.2.0-RC-1
git push origin :refs/tags/rel-1.2.0-RC-1

#For orcid-api-client
git tag #view list of tags to verify
git tag -d rel-0.6.3-RC-1
git push origin :refs/tags/rel-0.6.3-RC-1

Close the release in Jira, and create the next one

  1. Go to the release management page.
  2. For the release you just made (there should be an open package icon to the left of it) 
    1. click the gear icon on the left and choose "release"
    2. enter the date you finished the release
    3. the package should be closed
    4. if you are not already listed as the release manager in the description, enter "Release Manager: your-name-here"
  3. Create the next release
    1. enter a name (ie, VIVO 4.x.y) in the form at the top, and click Add.  If the release manager is known, enter that in the note.

Announce release

Let Mike Conlon  know that the release is complete and can be announced.

Helpful Tips - Debugging Issues

Key Issues?

#Verify that your GPG key is in your ring
gpg --list-secret-keys

#If the key isn't listed import the private key your previously created
gpg --import name-of-private-key.asc

#List the keys again but in keyid LONG format
gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

#Take the keyid and setup git to use it as your global default.
git config --global user.signingkey YYYYXXXXYYYYXXXX

Oops Issues?

#Need to delete a local RC branch with issues and start again?
git branch -D rel-${CURR}-RC
git fetch origin rel-${CURR}-RC
git checkout -b rel-${CURR}-RC --track origin/rel-${CURR}-RC

#Need to remove a tag locally and in GitHub?
git tag -d vivo-${CURR}
git push origin :refs/tags/vivo-${CURR}

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