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  • Keep that testing coming!  VIVO 1.9 release candidate 1 is available for testing.  Join the VIVO Tech list to participate in discussions of the impending release.

  • SHARE Community Meeting and Hackathon. SHARE held its hackathon and community meeting last week in Charlottesville VA.  See the trip report for more details.

  • Institutional conference sponsorships - The conference will be held in Denver August 17-19th and is a great opportunity to connect with researchers, technologists, and higher education professionals from around the world. This year, we hope you will consider sponsoring at the Institutional Level ($2,000). I've included below a prospectus and have listed the benefits of Institutional Sponsorship here for your convenience and consideration.

  • Join Duraspace!  The VIVO membership drive has begun. Please consider how your institution might financially support VIVO:

    • Corporations can participate as Duraspace corporate sponsors.  See

    • Academic institutions and research organizations can participate as Duraspace members.  See

    • Existing members and financial supporters may wish to consider increasing their support for 2016.  Cornell University recently tripled its financial support of the VIVO Project.  We thank Cornell for this outstanding support!

  • Steering/Leadership Group Update - The VIVO Leadership Group has nominated new members for the VIVO Steering Group to serve three year terms.  Mark Fallu of the University of Melbourne, Mark Newton of Columbia University, and Paul Albert of Weill Cornell Medicine have each agreed to serve. Leadership Group update.  Julia Laurin of Thomson Reuters has joined the VIVO Leadership Group. 


Call-in Information

Access Information

Where: WebEx Online

Meeting number: 199 910 378

Meeting password: This meeting does not require a password.

Host key: 617571 (Use this key in the meeting if you have made someone else the host and then want to reclaim the host role.)

Audio Connection

+1-415-655-0001 US TOLL

Access code: 199 910 378

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