Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern standard time (GMT-5) – convert to your time at

*Please add additional agenda items or updates – we always welcome suggestions *


  • Colorado
  • Cornell
  • Duke
  • Florida – starting on people update via SOAP services. Never delete people – become no longer affiliated. Nicholas is working with ontology team to define what to do when a person has died, and also working to hide people who have a security or privacy piece. Have also implemented auditor code from Cornell and extended it; hooked it to the harvester so can report on all the additions and retractions any given day – can see which process (manual, showing the person, or the automated harvest). Hooked editing to a separate log4j so don't have to parse the whole vivo.all.log, and have dual logging out of the harvester as an N3 file that can be mailed to a distribution list. Not storing anything in the database. Will commit the changes back to both VIVO and the Harvester.
  • Indiana – Chin Hua is trying to update test data from Florida for visualizations, but having trouble loading the data with the add/remove RDF command. The counts look correct on the home date, but no data are showing up on the people or organization menu pages. Tried to rebuild the search index (overnight) and will show a few people. Error messages in the vivo.all.log talk about missing images. Would like an offline consultation.
  • Johns Hopkins – not much update, but a question about Google Refine – has this been updated for 1.4, or should it work? Eliza: originally was implemented in 1.3 – hasn't updated it, but doesn't think it would be a lot of work.
  • North Texas – see demo description below
  • Stony Brook
  • Weill Cornell – _1) ready to work on single sign on - any tips or documentation?_uses Shibboleth – UF has done that and is willing to help; has information on configuring Shibboleth itself, but Jim's documentation on configuring VIVO for Shibboleth worked for them. [] Scopus now allows us to ingest all publications of our researchers, that includes publications produced during previous employments outside our institution.

Current development issue discussion

  • Cliff (N. Texas) demonstrated an ingest tool he is developing using jQuery to provide interactive mapping between columns or fields in a data file and a set of VIVO ontology representations organized in tabs (e.g., people, organizations, grants, publications), with each divided into the appropriate set of entities involved. For example, a file of publication data would need to be mapped to VIVO publications, VIVO authorships, VIVO persons, and VIVO journals.
    This work is intended to interface to middleware being developed at Indiana to map these intermediate entities to the actual RDF VIVO ontology.
  • Stephen: Framing a discussion about Github – why would we move, what would it involve, and the timing relative to transition to DuraSpace
  • Huda: DataStaR – a project at Cornell to create an add-on module for VIVO to support a research data registry for a university

Notable Development List Traffic

  • creating user accounts in batch mode
  • others

Items for next week

What should the implementation fest cover?
please suggest

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Meeting ID: 322-087-560

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