
Call-in Information

Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time (New York), 4pm Central European Summer Time

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Calendar invitation - ICS file



(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic (star)
  2. William Welling
  3. Bridget Almas  
  4. Brian Lowe 
  5. Georgy Litvinov  
  6. Ivan Mrsulja 
  7. Miloš Popović 



Upload images issue

A GitHub ticket has been opened - Georgy thinks he might fix this in the next couple of days. 

VIVO - ElasticSearch integration

Dragan will try to investigate this further. 

The VIVO-HOME config directory should include applicationSetup.n3, there might be configured searchEngine (Solr is by default) -
If you want to change that I believe line should point to
I believe some configuration in ElasticSearch similar to might be needed???

Upgrade VIVO 1.9 to 1.10

Santhosh Anand Ramia found confusing documentation for upgrading VIVO 1.9 to 1.10 - Dragan will discuss this with Santhosh. 

 A PDF VIVO documentation

VIVO Technical Documentation - Dragan generated PDF for VIVO technical documentation and links those PDFs in the wiki page. The question is whether we need to add those PDFs to other sources (, github, etc) in the case wiki is down at some moment. One suggestion for consideration might be even adding PDF into the VIVO codebase. Problematic might be updating documentation and releasing patches because some changes in documentation.  

Depositing releases on Zenodo

The VIVO GitHub repository is configured to automatically deposit release on Zenodo ( after publishing a new release in GitHub (

Draft notes in Google Docs

Task List

Previous Tasks 

  • Dragan Ivanovic to add columns in the project board for Priority and Difficulty.
  • Sprint participants to read description of issues and think about their preferences. 
  • No labels