
Call-in Information

Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Standard Time (New York), 4pm Central European Time

To join the online meeting:


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    Passcode: 556561
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    Meeting ID: 843 7861 5572
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Calendar invitation - ICS file



(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic (star)
  2. Georgy Litvinov 
  3. Brian Lowe 
  4. William Welling 
  5. Benjamin Kampe 
  6. Ivan Mrsulja 
  7. Miloš Popović  
  8. Sai Pavan K 
  9. Carlos Soto
  10. Michel Héon 



I forgot my password
Georgy provided feedback to Ivan. Ivan discussed the approach for displaying an error message to a user. The team of committers will discuss email messages (in English), once the text is final Ivan will add translations of the English text into other languages. 

Replace qtip dependency

Benjamin Gross reviewed this in the first round and found some issues with non-wilma themes.  Milos fixed that, hopefully Benjamin will find time to review the changes. 

Update of robots.txt

Should be tested after merging I forgot my password

Docker options

William is the author of the PR, Ivan and Ian Slatter approved this PR. It is getting close to be merged.  

Mitigation of log4j security vulnerability in VIVO 1.14.1

This is under review

CRIS 2024 - anyone from the VIVO contributors in the last two years is welcome to join the list of coauthors (by adding his/her name in the document)

PIDFest 2024 

Dragan will create a draft version for a presentation at the PIDFest. We might present usage of persistent identifiers in the VIVO ontology and VIVO platform. 

Draft notes in Google Docs

Task List

Previous Tasks 

  • Dragan Ivanovic to add columns in the project board for Priority and Difficulty.
  • Sprint participants to read description of issues and think about their preferences. 
  • No labels