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Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Time (New York), 4pm Central European Summer Time

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Calendar invitation - ICS file



(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic 
  2. Brian Lowe 
  3. Michel Héon 
  4. Ivan Mrsulja 
  5. Miloš Popović (star)
  6. William Welling 
  7. Washington Luís R. de Carvalho Segundo
  8. David
  9. Michael Bentz
  10. Deborah Dias
  11. Ksihitij Sinha


    • Prospective Solid Information architecture for an FR-CRIS
      • Speakers: Raphaëlle Lapôtre and David Reymond
      • Abstract: SoVisu involves researchers in a virtuous cycle of open science by offering them the opportunity to curate their data. This leads to more reliable mappings and expertise indexing for exploring research within an institution. The challenge now lies in guiding researchers through this process, making it easier and simpler to manage their own data. We plan to use Solid technology and Pods. We present the initial stages of this redesign of a research information system. The question arises regarding the preparation for interoperability with Vivo.


Dragan introduced the FR-CRIS presentation speakers and gave floor to David.

David presented a web application. The first step in the app is to set author identification data, the second step is meant to update authors in your papers. In the third step the app shows the expertise that is covered in your paper and also the expertise that you didn’t cover.

David showed some main features for extracting metadata and a graph showing the distribution of metadata in time. Also, David showed Kibana integration for some data analytics.


Dragan asked if this was an in-house solution. David responded that it is, project was developed and set up in the University of Toulon, project started 3 years ago.

R.Lapotre presented the Carto4CH project.

R.Lapotre we think we should have a decentralized approach to this because many researchers often have to enter data into their institution again, each time it is the same information. Each institution should have the same system that communicates so researchers wouldn’t have to enter data all over again.

We tried to look at what has been done in another project, named Carto4H.

“The Carto4CH project from the Tours University is a technical foundation enabling cultural heritage partners to set up their own SemApps instance and add their own skills. Once each partner has played the game, everyone will find the shared skills on the general map. The demonstrator contains two servers A and B each with 3 interfaces, and a central server C, which maps everything.”

SemApps is based on Solid standards, solid makes information available in w3c protocol it is composed of LDP, SPARQL, and WebACL (security layers).

Lapotre explained the data example that the Carto4CH project uses.

Lepotre gave the floor to David to present.

David presented their proposal for a generic representation of entities.

In short one entity’s pod exists that is owned by an organization and it is linked to Individual pods of the clients which contain individual data.

Individual data should contain ID and personal identifiers (should be chosen between VIVO or CERIF format), Certified Data, and Production (Publications). 

Dragan asked a question about architecture in the case of writing a joined paper (author and co-author) in which POD the information should be?

David: Information will be stored in both instances.

Dragan: I think vivo is comprehensive enough. I know there is some extensions or localization for the German community. There are examples of customized VIVO for specific purposes so it is an extensive solution and customisable and it is possible to do that with VIVO. If you are using it only in your system, you can customize that for your needs.

Dragan: Regarding CERIF, it is also comprehensive enough. There are a couple of initiatives for interoperability between CERIF and VIVO. If you decide to use the VIVO it is likely that you will have the opportunity to map it to CERIF. I think that VIVO is a safe choice here.

David: What would be the best solution if there was only one choice?

Dragan: I think you should make a decision on your own. When you list all your requirements and notice that 95% is already in VIVO you can extend it so it can be specific for FR. 

Heon: We chose to use VIVO 4 years ago and the first thing we use the VIVO because it is based on semantic web technology. Extracting data from multiple databases is important for us.

The major problem we have (and probably you will face) is extracting data from the database and putting it inside VIVO because we have multiple formats and multiple data structures. We created an ETL pipeline to solve this. It is not a complex task but it is very long to implement. A lot of time takes to get privileges to access data, but when you have it is not that hard to transform data. We put all the things on the cloud we created serverless instances of VIVO, so we can have multiple instances running at the same time and load balancing data.

Dragan: You informed us about the process, and we might be interested in following progress. You can contact us if any new questions arise. We can organize an additional presentation if you have some progress, or if you have some questions about VIVO.

Dragan posted an event about a knowledge graph about SOLID and privacy.

Dragan: Maybe you can find some contact and more info about architecture for your project.

Heon: You can go to the Research gate, all publications I produced for the VIVO community are inside the Research Gate so you will see the evolution of the architecture.

Lepotre: Christian told me about the solid VIVO project, Are you still interested in that?

Dragan said that this was stopped before he came to this project 2 years ago. There was the idea but never realized it. Maybe there is someone that is interested. We can create a channel in Slack to discuss it.

Video: session.mp4

Slides: fr_cris_pres_RL_DR.pdf

Draft notes in Google Docs

Task List

Previous Tasks 

  • Dragan Ivanovic to add columns in the project board for Priority and Difficulty.
  • Sprint participants to read description of issues and think about their preferences. 
  • No labels