
Call-in Information

Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Time


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic (star)
  2. William Welling 
  3. Brian Lowe  
  4. Georgy Litvinov   


  1. VIVO 1.14.0
    1. CodeQL analysis
        1. Not yet fixed
    2. Release process
      1. VIVO Release Process
        1. decoupling scripts for publishing Vitro release from VIVO release
          1. not yet fixed
        2. removing tags and branches
          1. done
  2. VIVO 1.15.0
    1.  features
      • REST API (person, org unit, research)
      • Search filters (extended search)
      • Audit module (change tracking)
    2. Improvements
      • Advanced role management system (ABAC) 
      • Jena 4
      • Improved build and deployment process
      • Code style improvements
        • When this PR should be merged?


The issue with CodeQL action is still not resolved (, Dragan will work on that.

We should consider moving to the vivo-project organization ( We will think a little bit about that, and if there is no objection about that at the next meeting, we will transfer repository to the vivo-project organization. 

The building of Code style improvements PR might fail after merging some of the active PR which are adding new Java classes. We should think about the order of merging PRs for the next minor release. If Code style improvements PR is merging the last, the suppression xml file should be extended with new classes from other PRs. 

William started a short discussion about adding interoperability with other platforms as a feature for the next minor release. It is not just about REST API endpoint for adding data, it can also include options in UI for harvesting and transforming data from other sources (ORCID, Scopus, WoS, etc.). 

Draft notes on Google Drive



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