Wednesday, June 28 at 11:00 EDT 

LG members: Bruce HerbertBrian LoweChristian HauschkeAnna GuillaumetTerrie R. WheelerWashington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho SegundoL Bryan Cooper

Lyrasis: Michele MennielliFadwa AlshawafRobert Cartolano

Regrets: @Noah HuffmanDamaris MurryDragan IvanovicSonja Schulze


Agenda for June 2023 VIVO Leadership Group

Announcements (0 mins)

Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Change in Lyrasis Team roles (Mic, 5 mins)
    • Laurie’s role as community support person is reduced and Mic’s role is increased.
  2. Lyrasis DCSP Shared Strategies Group (Bruce and Anna, 10 mins)
    • Anna and I attended
    • Exploring strategies around system interoperability, shared marketing and joint events or shared work.
    • System interoperability: focus on API and shared standards?

       3.  Moving VIVO Google Drive to new Google Shared Drive (Bruce, 5 mins)

    • VIVO Wiki
    • Email listserv and Stack
    • (Proposed) Google Shared Drive
    • Zoom

      4. Revisiting the VIVO Roadmap: Critique Questions and Process (Bruce, 50 mins however long it takes)


    • Changes in Membership
      1. Texas A&M reduced the membership fee from 20k to 10k
      2. SIGMA from 10k to 2,5k
      3. George Washington (5k) and Losanne (2,5k) cancelled

    • Changes to implementations at key VIVO community members: Duke and Sigma.

Challenges to balance system development around ease of implementation and sustainability for institutions and semantic system built on older technology.

Last VIVO Roadmap

Proposal: Host a one-day online meeting of presentations and discussion around Long-term development.

Does our vision need to be adjusted?  We have challenges, but we don’t want to “throw the baby out with the bath water”.

Key Questions

  • What are the key characteristics that will support the needs of diverse organizations?
  • What is a modern system architecture for RIM/CRIS systems?
  • Why keep VIVO supporting semantic technology?

Suggestions of Meeting Specifics.

Meeting via the normal Zoom link:

Agenda & Minutes

Wednesday, June 28 at 11:00 EDT

Announcements (0 mins)

Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Change in Lyrasis Team roles (Mic, 5 mins)
    • Laurie’s role as community support person is reduced and Mic’s role is increased.
  2. Lyrasis DCSP Shared Strategies Group (Bruce and Anna, 10 mins)
    • Anna and I attended
    • Exploring strategies around system interoperability, shared marketing and joint events or shared work.
    • System interoperability: focus on API and shared standards?

Note: let’s invite talk on rest API for next Leadership Group meeting.  Ask Christian to ask developer.

       3.  Moving VIVO Google Drive to new Google Shared Drive (Bruce, 5 mins)

    • VIVO Wiki
    • Email listserv and Stack
    • (Proposed) Google Shared Drive
    • Zoom

      4. Revisiting the VIVO Roadmap: Critique Questions and Process (Bruce, 50 mins however long it takes)


    • Changes in Membership
      1. Texas A&M reduced the membership fee from 20k to 10k
      2. SIGMA from 10k to 2,5k
      3. George Washington (5k) and Losanne (2,5k) cancelled

    • Changes to implementations at key VIVO community members: Duke and Sigma.

Challenges to balance system development around ease of implementation and sustainability for institutions and semantic system built on older technology.

Last VIVO Roadmap

Proposal: Host a one-day online meeting of presentations and discussion around Long-term development.

Does our vision need to be adjusted?  We have challenges, but we don’t want to “throw the baby out with the bath water”.

Key Questions

  • What are the key characteristics that will support the needs of diverse organizations?
  • What is a modern system architecture for RIM/CRIS systems?
  • Why keep VIVO supporting semantic technology?

Suggestions of Meeting Specifics.

Christian suggested virtual white boards to help synthesize meeting thoughts.  Need good process to milk brain of the participants.

Mic: One idea is to ask each member of the Leadership Group of one feature that address a specific need at their organization.  Ask for diagram of system architecture.

Have both Spanish and German translator.  Or could have Spanish and German satellite events.

Christian emphasized identifying a date soon for the Fall is important. 

Christian and Brian Lowe will help Bruce develop a plan for the meeting.

Two Reminders:

Sept 11.  Come to Berlin for the Semantic Web libraries conference.  Monday is Vivo meet up.

Nov. 21-23:  Another EuroCRIS meeting Spain.  Have a VIVO track.  We can think about presenting something.

Launching National CRIS in Brazil and Open Science Conference in July.


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