
Call-in Information

Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

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(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic 
  2. Georgy Litvinov 
  3. Brian Lowe 
  4. Michel Héon 
  5. Mark Vanin  
  6. Huda Khan
  7. Andreas Czerniak
  8. Benjamin Gross 
  9. Veljko Maksimovic (star)    
  10.  Christian Hauschke    



Expert Finder Systems International Forum 2023: Is someone interested in presenting tings about VIVO/Vitro. Michel will check if he can present there physically. Dragan wont be present, but he can help anyone who is interested in presenting.

This Saturday is daylight savings in Europe. Next week’s meeting will be held at the same time for Europe members, which will be one hour earlier than usual for USA/Canada people.

Reviewing PRs. So far Dragan and Georgy reviewed all the PR’s, but they need another person helping them with reviews. Is it necessary for those reviews to come from VIVO committers, or is it ok for people outside of the committers group to review it. William will review code as well. William suggested removing “one committer must review PR” rule. He also suggested doing Team Reviews for big PRs, which also helps implementers describe their code to the rest of the team. Brian will try to help out with PRs in the next week. One of the goals is to include non-committers in review process during the sprints.

   Georgy removed TermOfUserController because those terms should not be the same for every country, but rather customized according to laws and regulations of those countries. This also begs the question of GDPR, and whether we should introduce some functionalities to remove all data for specific users.

Last step for internationalization upgrade is to merge Vivo-languages and Vitro-languages into Vivo and Vitro repos.

Georgy thinks that Dynamic API isn’t ready for new sprint, and probably wont be until the end of the year. Dragan plans to organize one more sprint at the end of November/beginning of December. Topic of that sprint is not yet defined, but might be internationalization or maybe data ingestion.

Draft notes in Google Docs

Task List

  • All to review PRs assigned to them

Previous Tasks 

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