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Ontology Interest Group Google Folder

Google Doc for meeting notes:

VIVO Ontologies on Github:  https://github/vivo-ontolgy 

OBO Slack


Agenda & Notes

  1. General update
    1. José Salm and Rolf Guescini will join the Ontology IG soon.
    2. Tatiana presented the CERIF2VIVO initiative at the 6th (German) VIVO-Workshop last week. It was well received, and a VIVO2CERIF mapping was already requested.
    3. Georgy Litvinov would like to discuss the Dynamic API Ontology with the IG. We'll schedule this soon.
    4. Switching back to the old schedule on July 18th. The meeting that would have been on July 4th will already take place next week, June 27th, Meeting notes:  2022-06-27 Ontology Interest Group Call
  2. CERIF2VIVO mapping
    1. Subtypes of different entity types in CERIF are in external vocabularies.
    2. Different types have to be addressed by picking one of the types files and map them in separate spreadsheets. Starting with organisations:
    3. Discussion on mapping precisions / equivalencies is postponed until the presentation of Melanie Wacker on vocabulary mapping.

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