Wednesday, March 31 at 11:00 EDT

LG members:

Paul Albert, Ann BeynonRobert Cartolano, Anna GuillaumetDoug Hahn, Christian Hauschke, , Bruce Herbert , Damaris Murry (star) Terrie Wheeler


Laurie Gemmill Arp, Robert Miller, Michele Mennielli


Federico Ferrari,Mike Conlon @Tom Cramer, Anthony Helm

(star) = Secretary

Connection Information

Zoom connection information is available in the Outlook invitation.


Announcements (20 mins)

  • Two new VIVO Community Members – Laurie
    • Florida International University – (this may not be finalized yet)
    • University of California-Davis
  • The Texas A&M System will develop a VIVO System for the 10 campuses - Bruce
  • TIB (German) VIVO Conference - Christian
  • Spanish-speaking VIVO User Group Update - Anna
  • EuroCRIS-VIVO MOU Meeting Update - Anna
  • VIVO Conference update - Anna/Mike
  • Benjamin will fill in for Ann while she is away – Ann
  • VIVO Tech Lead Search Update - Laurie


  1. New Member Onboarding: with two new members, perhaps we could have an event? Bruce (5)

Two possibilities:

  • Invite the new members to meet the Leadership Group and tell us a bit about their programs. First 15 mins of April meeting.
  • David Wilcox, Bruce and others host a meet and greet

2. Survey Results from German VIVO workshop – Christian (10)

3. VIAB Use Cases and Features Discussion – Bruce (15)

  • Limited use cases
  • Simplified Profile
  • Simplified installation
  • Associated Services
  • Other

4. VIAB Process (10)

  • Define features/system requirements
  • Hand off to task force groups or form a new group to define specific project plans
  • Officers develop a project plan based on input from TF groups – then leadership group votes by email
  • VIVO Community Town Hall

Meeting Minutes


Bruce welcomed everyone to the meeting, and turned it over to Laurie.

Laurie announced two new VIVO Community Members

  • Florida International University – Thanks to Julia Trimmer for this membership!
  • University of California-Davis

Bruce: We have big news to announce! The Chancellor of the Texas A&M System (an 11-university system) directed the VIVO team to develop a VIVO statewide system.  They will be working with Ann at Clarivate, since a hosted solution is likely desired.  U of Texas had previously tried to do this with Elsevier Pure, but that effort was abandoned after lots of investment, but goals not achieved.

Anna: Our Spanish speaking VIVO regional conference has met twice, March 4 and again last week.  In these meetings we see and agree that there are really interesting use cases that we can share.  Our regional conference will discuss open science using VIVO.  Proposed date for our next regional VIVO workshop will be at end of April or beginning of May, and we will share our results from these meetings at the VIVO Conference.

Mic: What is coming out of the Spanish group is not only creating a first meeting, but also telling stories of success, and are planning future meetings already, such as “How to Get Started on VIVO” in Spanish.  Very energetic and encouraging. 

Bruce: These events help build community; help people belong.  Congratulations to Anna, Mic, Christian and Julia on hosting these regional events.

Anna: The EuroCRIS-VIVO MOU meeting consisted of Dr. Sadia Vancauwenbergh, President of EuroCRIS, and Ed Simons of EuroCRIS,  with Bruce, Terrie and Anna from VIVO. (Anna is also on the EuroCRIS Board.)  In the meeting we reviewed first step of the proposed MOU developed by EuroCRIS.  Michele Minelli also attended the meeting, and a reference to earlier work was made.  Mic provided the link to this earlier work. We will meet again before the end of April, or when we consider the first draft review has been done by both sides.  Overall this was a very good meeting; and we are excited about coordinating the CERIF and VIVO ontologies. 

Bruce: The value of this work will be the crosswalk of the VIVO ISF and EuroCRIS ontologies.  We will need engagement from the VIVO Ontology Interest Group.  Bruce will further discuss this with the VIVO Ontology Interest Group.  VIVO and EuroCRIS leadership will meet again at the end of April. 

Anna:  VIVO Conference update – We meet every Monday to plan the VIVO conference.  They are on Mondays at 10:00 am EST.  Working with EuroCRIS to define their contributions.  We have one keynote speaker for the annual conference, Ludo Waltman, author of the Leiden Manifesto for responsible metrics, who will speak on this topic.  If you have proposals for presentations for the VIVO 2021 Conference, please submit at:

Bruce:  Ann has great news!  Benjamin will fill in for Ann while she is away.

Ann:  Yes, I want everyone to know that I am not leaving, but I am having a baby!  (Many congratulations verbally and in the chat to Ann for such a wonderful announcement!)   Benjamin Gross will substitute for me while I am away.  If there is any voting, Benjamin will represent Clarivate as a voting member.  I will be back in August, and I am so sorry I will have to miss the VIVO Conference this year!

Laurie:  VIVO Tech Lead Search Update Thanks to Demaris and Christian for their help with the position description.  Previous position was half with VIVO and half with Fedora.  Will have this position be part time.  Next steps: will be to post part time.  We should market this when it is posted.


  1. New Member Onboarding

Bruce:  With two new members officially joining VIVO, we have some options to welcome them to our community.  The two possibilities that came to my mind are:

  • Invite the new members to meet the Leadership Group and tell us a bit about their programs. First 15 mins of April meeting.
  • Have a separate call for the new members od VIVO to welcome them and explain how VIVO membership works, and their member benefits

Both are good ideas but have different purposes.  The first would be to meet and great with leadership, and the other is to better understand their membership. 

Christian, Ann, Rob and Anna noted that they liked both ideas.

Paul: I agree with the separate meeting just for the new leaders.  The 15 minutes with the VIVO Leadership is a brief but good start.  But it’s better to not have a time pressure (e.g. 15 minutes).  For this reason, having a separate meeting just for them is preferred to allow them to ask their questions and others to get a sense of what their goals are with their VIVO instance.

Bruce: Mic, Do Europeans do this sort of membership welcome?

Mic: Not really, the model is different in Europe.  It is built on personal relationships.  Good idea to invite further participation in the VIVO Community.

Bruce:  Basically, it sounds like most are in favor of both possibilities, so I will proceed to set up both.

2.  Survey Results from German VIVO Workshop

Christian:  Usually we have 40-60 participants with low attendance fee.  This year was virtual, with 160 registrations and with 25 speakers from 12 institutions in 3 different countries.  People had a lot of participation this year.  Our VIVO survey had 25 responses from 160 people, which was a  low response rate this year, and a bit disappointing.  Could be due to privacy concerns.  This year we made the conference a short timeframe and family friendly, which was not as well received as we had thought.  We will revisit. This for next year. [Christian walked through the slide deck explaining the results of the survey.  The slide deck was shared with all the LG team, so these notes will not reiterate every slide.  Instead a few highlights are included.] 

Christian:  The 25 respondents rated their top priorities for VIVO Development.  In the past Reporting was the highest priority, but Vitro has dropped this to third place.  Self-editing and data imgest and export continue to be highly ranked.  Workflows were highlighted with several example workflows highlighted by Christian as important to the German developers.   Other priorities are on the slide, but Christian only gave them a brief mention.   The biggest need for development in the Research Intelligence world boils down to data exchange and data interoperability. 

Bruce:  Thank you, Christian.  If you could summarize these results if this is something you would like to see in future iterations of VIVO, that could be helpful.

3.  VIAB Use Cases and Features Discussion

Bruce: We only have 15 minutes left, and I want to use this time to brainstorm with the group what system characteristics would be most important to implement with the goal of having a VIVO system that is easier to implement and easier to sustain, as well as reducing the cost of implementation.   We need to recruit new community members and generate new revenue streams. 

  1. Brainstorming with group regarding system characteristics, simplified profile
  • Limited use cases - three major: supports profiles (enhance faculty reputation), supports discovery of org’s expertise, and represents a database of institutional data from varied sources displayed researcher centric at once.   
  • System Characteristics
    • Simplified Profile - what characteristics are most important in this simplified profile?
    • Consider rewriting the core VIVO base code as part of this project
    • Associated Services
  • What would a VIVO-in-a-box Minimum Viable Product look like?

Rob Cartelano shared an architectural diagram that represented his version of what a minimum viable product for VIVO-in-a-box might look like. Paul suggested switching the second and third elements in this diagram such that institutional data was imported into a simple data store and that semantic data formatted according the VIVO data model was system-generated. Rob agreed that this is exactly what was needed.  The secretary will see if this diagram can be mounted on the web so that it can be linked into the minutes.  Unfortunately our time ran out before this discussion could be fully fleshed out, and we will pick up this conversation next month.

Bruce Herbert had hoped to discuss the VIVO in a Box process as well during this meeting; however we ran out of time, and this will have to be discussed in a future meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 12:05pm.


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