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Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

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(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Brian Lowe (star)
  2. Dragan Ivanovic  
  3. Georgy Litvinov 
  4. Dominik Feldschnieders 
  5. Ralph O'Flinn 
  6. William Welling 
  7. Michel Héon 
  8. Veljko Maksimovic
  9. Huda Khan 
  10. Sandra Mierz 
  11. Bruce Herbert


  1. Announcements
    1. A new version of the VIVO-PROXY prototype has been published -
  2. The new issues/questions
  3. Discussion about organizing sprints and publishing time-based minor releases
  4. Discussion about priorities for further development of VIVO -
    1. The topic will be i18n
      1. Move i18n properties from resource bundles to ontology / (editable) RDF
      2. Find solution for syntax differences between languages that does not require template customization per language 
    2. Data ingest


  1. Announcements
    1. Michel: Code is in VIVO-community in GitHub; if someone is interested in working together with me on this, that would be great.
      1. Ralph and William: Yes, there is interest.  Encourage continuing to publish to VIVO-community.  Important way for it to get seen and for people to have the opportunity to use it.
      1. Michel:  want non-Semantic Web specialists to be able to script data ingest into VIVO.  Many institutions need to do the same things all the time; this is a way to generalize this without using Semantic Web technology.
      1. Michel: In this release PROXY does more SPARQL updates instead of form submissions.  IRI-creation SPARQL extension helps make this possible.
      1. Now includes Bash script that loads sample data into VIVO using VIVO-PROXY.
      2. This release includes changes for populating data in multiple languages and use of a new SPARQL function for assigning IRIs to new individuals.
      3. Is there interest in the community?
      4. William: What are your aspirations for VIVO-PROXY?
      5. William: Do you see this being packaged with VIVO?  Has potential for VIVO-in-a-Box, but VIAB is proposed to have modular design with looser coupling.  PROXY has coupling to the UI.
      6. Sandra: if you use the sparql api, then vivo-proxy becomes the same as generate2vivo, in fact I made a branch vivo-proxy-demo where you can already see the same functionality based on the SPARQL API
    1. New version of VIVO-PROXY has been published.
  2. New issues/questions
    1. Expected behavior is that any .ftl in the theme folder should override the default, wherever it may be.  Should double-check that it’s not a problem of caching (e.g. use Developer Tools panel to disable the cache and always load current version of each template).  Otherwise, might be an obscure bug in the template loader that would have to be investigated.
    1. Problem of widget-login.ftl placed in theme folder not overriding the default.
  3. Organizing sprints / minor releases
    1. Please add comments to this document and we will continue discussing it next week.
    1. Should plan topics in coming weeks.
    2. William: VIVO-in-a-Box is one of the most desired items.
    3. Discussion of federated / cross-site VIVO search scope.
      1. Michel: depends on client making request.
      2. William: seems not as feature-rich as Solr’s built-in support for relevance and boosting.  SPARQL might give comprehensive list, but ordering of that list might not be useful.
      1. Michel: needs to include semantic search using SPARQL endpoint (e.g. with Jena/Solr extension).  Federated Solr search is difficult.
      2. William: Easier now.  Solr Cloud on Solr 8+ can query across instances that have the same schema.
      3. William: semantic federated search is research-oriented, while free-text federated search is readily applied by general users.
      4. William: using SPARQL, does schema need to be the same?  How is relevance score computed across instances?
    4. Proposed sprints in February, May, August (lighter/documentation-oriented), November
      1. Ralph: Are sprints tied to releases?  If so, should be scheduled with sufficient testing periods in between.  
      2. William: releases should always happen on a schedule, regardless of whether specific sprint-related items are ready.
    2. Ralph suggests releases in early April and early October 2022.
    3. Three four-week sprints per year, topic based (plus minor bugfixes).
  4. Committers call should be organized this Thursday.

Draft notes on Google Drive

Task List

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