
Call-in Information


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Brian Lowe 
  2. Mike Conlon
  3. Benjamin Gross  
  4. Ralph O'Flinn 
  5. Andrew Woods 
  6. Don Elsborg
  7. Huda Khan


  1. Input on document: VIVO's Development Priorities for 2020

Other topics

  1. Vitro JMS messaging approaches
  2. Architectural diagrams - discuss at a future date
    1. VIVO Components
    2. VIVO Ecosystem
  3. Inactive committers policy


Lowering barriers

  1. !Data ingest
  2. Installation (vagrant -, Docker +)
  3. Easy upgrade??
  4. Documentation??
  5. !i18n - benjamin


  1. !Modularity - triplestore, assetstore, frontend - brian
    • Optimize VIVO's SPARQL-HTTP
    • Need access control at triplestore-level
  2. APIs - brian
    • JSON data
    • Abstract out RDF logic into clear interfaces and Java Objects
    • !Messaging - benjamin (granular monitoring of triplestore)
    • logging
    • enterprise integration
  3. !Advanced Role Management


  1. !Freemarker
  2. !i18n
  3. !Publication claiming from 3rd party services
  4. !VIVO Scholar


  • Need to show deeper insights into data
    • Pure, but free
    • machine learning? - over a triplestore, or over API?
    • load raw, unrefined triples
    • provide JSON API
  • Takeaways
    • getting data into the triplestore
    • outputting data out via APIs
    • processing over the graph


  • Brian Lowe to draft initial sketch of "VIVO2" in a Google Doc

Previous Actions

  • Huda Khan to review:  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • Brian Lowe to review:  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  •  Ralph O'Flinn to review:  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
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