September 11, 2015, 1 PM EST


Steering Group Members

Paul AlbertJon Corson-Rikert (star),  Kristi Holmes,  Dean B. KrafftRobert H. McDonaldAndi OgierBart RagonJulia Trimmer

(star)= note taker

Ex officio

Jonathan MarkowMike Conlondebra hanken kurtz


Melissa HaendelEric MeeksAlex Viggio

Dial-In Number:  

NEW DIAL-IN: 641-715-3650 (was 209-647-1600), Participant code: 117433#


1Updates5 minAll 
2Review agenda2 minAllRevise, reorder if needed
3EuroCRIS event10 minDeanAttend? Who?
4Site Survey15 minMikeSee draft survey
5Asset Inventory Recommendations20 minMike, Jon, Paul, AlexSee final report
6Future topics5 minAllImplementation documentation; attribution/contribution efforts; training program




Discussion of upcoming euroCRIS event

  • Dean forwarded to the group an invitation from euroCRIS for their strategic partners meeting in November in Barcelona
    • Would be valuable to represent things in common in the same way;
      • e.g., VIVO has the concept of a grant and a project, but the project is optional because we aren't trying to track the work – the grant is an agreement, the project is the work
      • if there's a product of the work, like a paper or a dataset, sufficient for us to say the grant produced the paper
      • many grants have many projects and the grant is kind of a rollup entity – institutions are focused on money and need the project entity to manage hr appointments, etc.
    • Could also be examples going the other way in which VIVO has more domain depth than a typical CRIS system.  The area of research resources is not one they typically track, for example.
    • The models overlap, and when they overlap there could be some reconciliation
    • Great that we're a strategic partner
    • Lots of activity in Europe and a lot of those people have CRIS systems
  • Would anybody be in Barcelona?
    • Possibly to see if Converis would go, since they are a CRIS system and believe VIVO complements their functionality
    • And/or see if someone from the German VIVO community
      • Mentioned at the European BOF that a number of European CRIS adopters are looking for ways to do linked data using VIVO
    • Can ask if anyone is planning to attend
    • Perhaps we could help fund European travel
  • Dean will reply to the invitation saying Mike will follow up and we're trying to find out who can attend

Site Survey

  • Paul has been very involved in the previous survey leading up to the 2014 conference in Austin, with Jon, Alex, and Kristi
  • This year's draft is quite a bit shorter, in large part hoping to get a larger number of responses – hopefully as many as 80 or 100 vs. 20 of the regulars
  • Including sites that are not in production and just evaluating – what are their challenges
  • Will go out through SurveyMonkey to people on our mailing lists
    • Will have skip logic in the survey to cut people out of sections that don't apply
    • And the sections are in the order of moving to a production VIVO – early questions apply to all sites
  • Why not target people and do an interview with a representative sample – targeting the 100 listed as in progress
    • Resources and time, primarily
    • It's an extraordinarily amount of work to try and coordinate email lists, email messages, lists of sites, contact management systems; we haven't had that level of effort and we haven't asked people to give us any information when they download the code as part of being open and accessible
  • Could structure with skip logic so front load with feel good but easy questions
    • We might want to reach out to hear ORCID's strategies and lessons learned from their recent survey.
    • We could engage diverse groups - our service providers, talk with related projects
  • We could do half-hour interviews at the conference on challenges and opportunities with VIVO
    • We should be sitting down with people who are early in their VIVO experience, to help them as well as hear from them
  • We can also think about how to get the survey out to people who aren't on our listservs – other venues
    • A more targeted approach is more a matter of manpower
    • More likely by the time of the conference next year or at intermediate conference venues.  6-12 sites to talk to – each steering person could take a couple for a structured interview
    • Sites implementing VIVO page on the wiki based on email to one of our lists – please add any more that you know of
  • At other venues?
    • Library conferences, etc.
    • CNI?  We've certainly presented there; Places where overlap with other DuraSpace projects – also Open Repositories
    • Ideas for ways to do forensics on who's adopting VIVO
    • Will be at both DLF and CNI
  • Some sites might be worth talking to sooner rather than later

Asset Inventory Recommendations

  • Jon, Paul, Alex, Jim Blake, and Laura from UPenn worked on a task force to go over the various 'things' VIVO had accumulated, roughly since 2009
    • Trying to understand what those things are – websites, email lists, communication channels, etc.
    • Trying to understand what to do with/for them
  • The spreadsheet of assets was put out for comments several times through VIVO Updates
  • Many newcomers to VIVO are overwhelmed, and sometimes we aren't consistent in how we use resources because we have so many different ones – we lose coherence as a result
  • The recommendations are grouped
    • There are questions of whether things even should be done – which headings are worth pursuing
    • Then a question of priority
  • Some are obvious and have already been discussed
    • E.g., completing the move from SourceForge to GitHub (cluster 4)
  • Steering can also act to indicate which items in the report it endorses and/or has plans to move forward with
  • Some things we are not ready to do very much about – such as item #10
    • We haven't kept up, so it doesn't really serve the purpose of being a demonstration of the system
    • We can either shut it down or decide we need a demonstration that shows well
    • And there are potentially several kinds of demo systems – one with sample data, another to highlight software and related apps&tools
    • We should take down anything that looks bad and would not help the project
      • Similar to removing software from the release that is broken, to avoid giving a negative impressions
      • We could replace with a series of screencasts or screen images of places that have a VIVO, until we get a working demo system, that won't be tomorrow
    • Cleaning up edges of the project that don't show well
      • Some of the recommendations may not go clearly enough in that direction
      • Implementation of a demo system may involve
    • Would this be a chance to have a sprint?
    • A different kind of demo that is a demonstration of a scholarship site is not what we have now
  • Several of these will require spinoff activity with concerted planning, and some dedicated effort
  • Looking for guidance on whether Steering wants the report amended, or whether it will accept the report and consider prioritization and further recommendations
    • 3 or 4 of us could write up a response to the report suggesting action steps – what we will do
    • Thinking of a step where Steering accepts the report, states it expects to go in this direction, and will review the list of tasks to prioritize and refine and suggest actions (e.g., a task force, a single volunteer)
      • But if there are objections to elements of the report, we should hear them
      • Are we ready to do that today? This is a more complex report
    • The email recommendation, for example
      • Integrating with the CRM system at DuraSpace – we don't even know if its feasible
      • Also mentions a product called Discourse, but that would put us out of sync with the other DuraSpace projects that use Google Groups
      • These will require a more detailed response, and we are not likely to act on all of these
    • Any of these 10 items could have feasibility issues that affect priority and timeline
    • If we are doing a qualified acceptance, then a smaller group should go through to come up with action recommendations
    • May also involve the availability volunteer effort available for any task
  • Accepted for further review to assess priority and possible implementation

Action Items