This documentation refers to an earlier version of Islandora. is current.


The Drupal XML Sitemap module does not include links to Islandora repository objects by default. By using the Drupal XML Sitemap Custom module together with the Islandora XML Sitemap module, URLs for Islandora objects will be automatically added to the XML sitemap module database as custom links. Including Islandora objects in the Drupal sitemap makes them more likely to be correctly indexed by search engines.


This module requires the following modules/libraries:


Release Notes and Downloads

Latest code on GitHub


Install as usual, see this for further information.


Set 'Last Modified Solr Field' and 'Maximum number of Islandora links to process at once' in Administration » Islandora » XML Sitemap Integration (admin/islandora/xmlsitemap).



Administrators can configure the number of objects to add to the sitemap at once, as well as the Solr field to use to track when objects were last added to the sitemap.

In the administration tools for the Drupal XML sitemap module, the Custom Links tab (admin/config/search/xmlsitemap/custom) provides a list of Islandora links in your sitemap. You can edit or delete Islandora links from your sitemap in this tab.

The following hooks will create an update to the list of Islandora sitemap custom links:

  • hook_islandora_object_purged()
  • hook_islandora_object_ingested()
  • hook_islandora_object_modified()
  • hook_islandora_datastream_purged()
  • hook_islandora_datastream_ingested()
  • hook_islandora_datastream_modified()

Objects must be publicly (anonymously) available to be included in the XML Sitemap. Note that the listing of Custom Links in the Drupal XML Sitemap module does not necessarily equate to inclusion in the sitemap; an Islandora object may be listed in the Custom Links table (admin/config/search/xmlsitemap/custom) and still not be in the sitemap.xml file if the object is not publicly available. If Islandora objects are not appearing in the XML Sitemap, check the following:

  1. Ensure that the Islandora XML Sitemap and the Drupal XML Sitemap Custom Links modules are enabled.
  2. Ensure that the anonymous Drupal user has the "View repository objects" permission (admin/people/permissions).
  3. XACML permissions override the Drupal "View repository objects" permission. Make sure that there are no extra XACML permissions on the object.

Please also note that objects marked as "inactive", whether manually or by using the Simple Workflow module, will still be indexed by default. 

Larger sites with greater than 100,000 objects may encounter issues during the sitemap building process with the default configuration, such as the process hanging around a specific number indefinitely or exiting the process entirely before completion. These users may want to try unchecking the "Prefetch URL aliases during sitemap generation" option found on the xmlsitemap admin configuration page (/admin/config/search/xmlsitemap/settings) and trying the process again.


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