Functional requirements define the functions and features of a system. Gathering these requirements will identify gaps between current state and desired end state, and inform plans for remediation. In the case of limited resources, prioritizing requirements will provide clarity on critical deliverables and support allocation of resources to ensure the success of the project.


  • Identify and document functional requirements
  • Reach consensus on prioritization of requirements
  • Identify gaps and potential solutions
  • Identify sufficient resources

Suggested Collaborators

  • Technical Lead
  • Developers
  • SME on data and data migration
  • Representatives from groups whose workflows or experience are affected
  • User experience evaluators
  • IT teams who may have requirements for systems, storage, security, and access

Available Templates



Gather a list of functional requirements and document them using a detailed spreadsheet. When drafting requirements, here are some questions to consider:

  1. What content types need to be supported?
  2. Do you have custom workflows or functionality?
  3. Are there gaps between desired and available functionality?
  4. How will gaps be addressed?
  5. What security and access requirements do you have?
  6. What infrastructure will be used?

Next Steps

  1. Consider how these functional requirements may impact project scope, deliverables, and timeline, and update relevant details in the Project Plan.

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