
Robin Ruggaber, Jennifer Gilbert, Chris Awre, Este Pope, Dustin Slater, 

Guest: Arran Griffith


  • Update on Fedora train graphic and Red Bubble site
    • Choosing model with Fedora word in the clouds
    • Can put it on Red Bubble - release it with 6.0
    • Red Bubble decisions:
      • What images to have available, and on what pieces of merchandise
      • Right now it is at cost, no profit - had talked about having a small cost and having it go somewhere. David will talk with Laurie about this part, if we earn some money will likely go back to Fedora and help defray costs to say a thank you to committers. At cost is about $30 USD, so we don't want it to go much past that amount. 
  • Ideas for "Thank you" type campaigns to institutions who have majorly contributed to Fedora that would be shared out on social media, with membership renewals and the Fedora 6.0 release coming up
    • Creating a members mailing list - just for internal members. Right now we email the listservs, or individually to members for  renewals
    • Idea is similar to the brochure, but instead of Fedora information, would include institutions and a thank you. Include logo, what you've done, membership level. Something very graphic to share in social media and on the website. 
    • With membership renewals coming up, anything we can do to highlight value/appreciation of members is useful.
    • Are there other social channels that would be valuable?
    • Putting out the appreciation on social will be valuable, some vendors send thank you cards. Can be nice for people to share something with someone more senior. Twitter might be a good one to reinstate.
    • Culture of appreciation at Fedora is fitting and good to highlight. 
    • Another idea would be to do a Twitter takeover process.
  • Brainstorm on recruiting people to do some of the non-tech related videos/interviews and what not to be used for the general interest posts for the blog or to YouTube
    • Interest in doing some blog posts about 'user stories' of work from different institutions using Fedora. Berlin State on their migration process, UT Austin on migration process
    • What questions would we want people to highlight for blogs- creating a standard set of questions for people to answer?
      • Size of repository, sizes and number of objects, Versioning process, Version of the software, infrastructure, metadata - linked data, xml, unique material types, link to the repository 
      • Also make a list of people/institutions who Arran can reach out to. Goal is to keep things simple. 
    • Do a screencast of 'this is our repository' - a day in the life/walkthrough of Fedora. How can we talk about Fedora for people who don't understand it. Look at a collection - this is how we manage/feed/take care of it. Here's my collection, and the behind the scenes tour. Behind the scenes of gathering data stats. Scott Prater did a nice one on migration. Danny is doing a video soon.
    • User group meeting presentations and "intro to fedora" will go up on YouTube.
  • Check in about spring meetings/Fedora events
    • Still waiting to hear about Open Repositories presentation submissions. Fedora submitted 2 - community update and a repository rodeo, one for the IMLS pilot
    • David presented at Code4Lib about metadata for the IMLS grant
    • Poster for TCDL (Texas digital libraries)
    • Fedora European User Group meeting - well-received. Bingo was a fun addition, some of the attendees weren't familiar with this - full range of presentations, interesting projects in Germany and Austria. A lot of collaboration happening in the Fedora slack since the meeting.
    • North American User Group meeting - May 13th and 14th
      • NLM - presenting on Tuesday about the migration testing

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