
Dustin Slater Melissa Anez  Jon Dunn  Jennifer Gilbert Christopher Awre guest Arran Griffith 


  • Este - Amherst College, Fedora 3, migrating to Islandora 7, but goal is to get into Fedora 6
  • Dustin Slater - UT Austin - Islandora 7 DAMS, LADI - Mellon grant, launched in January on Islandora 8, 2021 - upgrade DAMS to 8
  • Melissa Anez - Islandora Foundation
  • Jon Dunn -  IU on Fedora since 2003 - one of the original implementer groups (following VA and Cornell), using Fedora 3, Samvera on Fedora 4, Developed Avalon - works on Fedora 4/Samvera
  • Jennifer Gilbert - NLM, Digital Collections Fedora 3 since 2010, Custom CMS, Blacklight/Spotlight for front end
  • Arran Griffith - Assist with engagement, part-time taking on David’s tasks, Communications, keeping things up to date
  • Chris Awre - University of Hull, 15 years with Fedora, Hydra originators, Chairs the Samvera marketing group, Chair Fedora UK/user group, chair Samvera user group

Topics for discussion

  • Dustin, Jon, and Este shared a little bit about the history of the group and the strategic priorities for Fedora.
  • Este provide an overview of topics we've been recently discussing, and some topics to review today: Facebook group idea, update on Fedora videos, blog posts, logo design ideas, new website work
  • Arran shared communication strategy ideas:

  • We all discussed some engagement suggestions, particularly for Fedora 6
    • Blog posts and videos
      • Set up schedule - have assigned posts each months. What to include each month - identify blog posts. Do some collection highlight videos, not all technical. Can be promo for collection, mention of Fedora at the end. 
      • Islandora 8 pilot sites that would be on board for this. 
      • Find people to do videos about their collections and blog posts. What content they want to share. Melissa can put in touch with people on the Islandora 8 side. Do Avalon with an IU collection. 
      • Goal: have 1-2 videos lined up before the next meeting to be filmed, also to identify people to do blog posts. Melissa shared that Islandora does video ‘show and tells’ - with a set list of questions. Examples: 
  • Fedora twitter - we think David might have access to this account. Arran will follow up with him. May want to see if any leaders would be willing to help with the Twitter posting in the future.
  • Logo for Fedora 6, and a 'merchkit' to have t-shirts and other swag for purhcase
    • Fedora meatballs are deprecated. Now using wordmark instead. 
    • Melissa shared some historical Islandora logos
    • Logo for merchkit suggestions...
      • Fedora 6 ideas
      • Maybe have the meatballs?
      • Understand this is a major change in Fedora. Focus needs to be on 6. 
      • Don’t want it to look like old Fedora.
      • Samvera did their shirts at cost. 

      • Could we raise funds for something greater than Fedora? Scholarship fund/award? Maybe not now but a good idea?
      • Create artwork for January to time merchkit with Fedora beta launch?

  • Este will send message to David and Arran after writing up the notes. 

  • No labels