
Dustin Slater, Jennifer Gilbert, Chris Awre, Este Pope, Melissa Anez


  • How to work with Arran Griffith who is part-time coordinator with Fedora while David is on the grant work
    • Would like to invite Arran Griffith to our November meeting. Also want to check in about what role/support she can provide for communication and community work.
    • Would like to clarify about who to liaise with during this time when David is working on the grant.
    • What of the Fedora 6 work can Arran help with? Maybe work on brochure on website and with videos/testimonials/blog posts?
  • User engagement around Fedora 6
    • Reported on upcoming videos about Fedora 6
    • Recommendation to update roadmap page or timeline for Fedora 6
    • Also interested in capturing the collective effort/labor involved in Fedora 6 development, as well as in the migration pilots. How many developer hours? How many overall hours from folks at institutions doing testing?
    • Discuss "bumpf" or the Fedora 'stuff' at next meeting (Chris will have to remind us again what bumpf means).
    • Conference presentations are well covered for the fall and winter, thanks to the grant work aligning well with the Fedora 6 work so David has this mostly covered. If folks think of additional conferences let us know.
  • Brochure follow up
    • A big thank you to Jennifer for the brochure! Can we make it available on the website? Can we have a PDF-printable version? Este will follow up David about where LYRASIS will put this on the website and getting a printable version.
  • Can we create a Fedora 6 logo? And can we put it on T-shirts, hex stickers and other things people could order for themselves? Like what Samvera has done for the virtual conference? Also, can we purchase items as a way of saying thanks committers? 
  • Este will follow up with David on the items discussed that need further input from LYRASIS.
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