Table of Contents

Welcome, developers!  This is the Fedora Repository Development wiki.  Here you'll find information about the development team, resources of interest to Fedora developers, and instructions on how you can work with us and contribute code to the project.

See also: The Fedora Create Community

Development Status

Fedora 3.7.1 has been released and is the current production version. We are now working on scoping for version 4.0.

For future plans, see the Fedora Roadmap.

Feature Discussion

Developer Resources

  • Building Fedora from Source - Instructions on building Fedora via Maven.
  • Committer's Guide - A guide to our mailing lists, coding style, testing, branching, etc.
  • FCREPO Tracker - Where we track our current work (bugs, features, improvements).  Submit bug reports and feature requests, and vote on issues here!
  • FCREPO Build Status - Reports on the status of our automated builds and tests.
  • Meeting Notes - Committer and Special Topic meeting notes
  • Who We Are - A complete list of Fedora Committers and Contributors
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  1. Not sure where the best place is to mention this: I want to utilize the built-in versioning of datastreams in FEDORA to make an interface with Memento ( This involves browsing FEDORA objects along RELS-EXT relationships. If we use Memento to browse through time, we will need past versions of RELS-EXT. So far so good. But there does not seem to be any way to query the Resource Index in a time-sensitive way.

    Is there any perspective on dealing with the time dimension in the resource index? Heavy duty for the quad?

    1. Hi Dirk,

      The usual place for such discussion is the fcrepo-dev list. Info on the user and dev lists can be found here: I'd encourage you to sign up and post your development/integration-related questions there.

      To answer your question, using the Resource Index wouldn't be the best fit for memento integration currently since it only reflects the latest version of the objects and their components.

      You may be interested to know that Chris Beer at WGBH did a memento integration a while back (which unfortunately never got rolled into the main line). The approach he took was to modify Fedora's REST API so that it respected the memento HTTP headers.

      The related issue in JIRA is here:

      The branch Chris worked on is here: