Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Guidelines and Template: Telling DSpace Stories






These guidelines make it simple for anyone to conduct an interview and write-up a short DSpace story that will generate awareness, interest and participation in the DSpace Project. In the process, you will get to know other community members and share stories about DSpace repositories throughout the community and beyond.


  • Determine subject

    • Ad hoc, an interviewer may chose to reach out to a known DSpace colleague or to someone whose implementation is of special interest to them.

  • Conduct interview, using template questions (below).

  • Write 3-4 paragraph profile based on the above answers to questions that includes these four components:

    1. Introduction to organization or institution

    2. Background: why DSpace was selected; requirements

    3. Strategic organizational or institutional goals enabled by DSpace; unique customizations

    4. Future of DSpace repository at organization or institution

  • Or, use the Q&A format for your DSpaceVIVO story. Try to keep the whole piece fairly short–viewers don’t read long paragraphs or long documents

  • When your interview is edited and ready for public viewing (with the image if possible), please email it to Carol Minton Morris at Duraspace <>.


  • One per month for 3 months

  • August-October 2015



The following template can be used during an interview to simplify the discussion if desired. You may not get to all of these questions, or you may have others. It’s fine to personalize your approach to telling a DSpace story.

  • “First, this is an informal interview that isn’t intended to be a statement from your organization; it’s intended to represent your personal views and not those of your organization or institution. So please speak from your own perspective and tell the story from your own viewpoint. OK with you?”

    • NOTE: This is the standard text that will be included at the beginning of each published DSpace story (in order to facilitate review and allow for rapid distribution): “Telling DSpace Stories” is a community-led initiative aimed at introducing project leaders and their ideas to one another while providing details about DSpace implementations for the community and beyond. The following interview includes personal observations that may not represent the opinions and views of XXXXX University or the DSpace Project."

  • “What’s your role with DSpace at your organization or institution?”

  • “Tell me a little about your organization or institution.”

  • “Why did you decide on DSpace?”

  • “What were your requirements going in?”

  • “What strategic organizational or institutional goals did DSpace help you meet?”

  • “What are your plans for your DSpace repository in the future?”

  • “What is at the top of your DSpace “wish list?”

  • "What advice would you give to other organizations that are planning to establish a DSpace repository?"

  • “Can you please send me an image, maybe an internal screen shot that the rest of us can’t see, or a photo of your team, to use for the story?”

  • “Thanks so much for participating in telling DSpace Stories!”


SUBJECT: Invitation to participate in new community initiative “Telling DSpace Stories”

Dear <<NAME>>,

I am contacting you today to see if you are interested in being interviewed for a new series of articles called “Telling DSpace Stories”.

“Telling DSpace Stories” is a community-led initiative aimed at introducing project leaders and their ideas to one another while providing details about DSpace implementations for the community and beyond.

All it would take from your end is a short interview, after which I will compile your feedback into an article. If you want you can then review/adjust the article where you see fit. DuraSpace will distribute these articles through the DuraSpace and DSpace websites, and a number of mailing lists. We ask only that you can assure us that publication of your interview has the pre-approval of your institution--pending your review and feedback.

Because this is a new series, we can’t show you an example yet, but it’s clearly the goal to put you, your institution and your DSpace repository in the spotlight.

If this sounds good to you, would you happen to be available on any of the following times/dates for the interview:

In case you are more comfortable providing your story in writing, I would be equally happy just to send you the interview questions by email.

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