Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Registered DSpace Service Providers have made an investment in our open technologies and a commitment to work cooperatively with DSpace to best serve the community of users.

The new Service Provider Program has three tiers: Silver, Gold and Platinum




Annual Value

$10,000 USD
200 hours of contribution
(or a combination of the two)

$25,000 USD
500 hours of contribution
(or a combination of the two)

$50,000 USD
1000 hours of contribution
(or a combination of the two)

Program Entry Fee*




*The Program Entry Fee is due at the beginning of each Term and it is deducted from the total amount due by the RSP at the end of each yearly term. 

In each category, a Service Provider could also become Certified after contributing a certain amount of hours to supporting the technical community of DSpace. Certified Providers participate in Expression of Interest calls for DSpace development coordinated by the DSpace Governance. Any Provider can apply for certification after providing at least 100 hours of technical contribution (tech contribution include: code development, bug fixing and code reviews).

There are different activities that can be provided by the Service Provider such as “Hours of Contributions” to the program and causing institutions to join Program membership, which is vitally important to the sustainability and growth of any community-led Program. More information about the Service Provider Program and how to get involved can be found on the Service Provider Program WIKI page.

2023 - 2024 DSpace Service Providers Reports

The full descriptions of the following Service Providers can be found on the DSpace dedicated webpage

#Service ProviderContribution Reports
14Science (Certified)2023/2024
2Atmire (Certified)2023/2024
3The Library Code (Certified)2023/2024
5PCG Academia2023/2024
7DSquare Technologies2023/2024
9D Consultores2023/2024
10NEKI IT2023/2024


12ARVO Consultores


13Vir Softech Private Limited


2023 - 2024 DSpace Service Providers Contributions Structure

Please consider that Service Providers must contribute a minimum of Value based on their Tier:

Platinum: $50,000

Gold: $25,000

Silver: $10,000

2022 - 2023 DSpace Service Providers Reports

The full descriptions of the following Service Providers can be found on the DSpace dedicated webpage

#Service ProviderContribution Reports
14Science (Certified)2022/2023
2Atmire (Certified)2022/2023
3The Library Code (Certified)2022/2023
5DSquare Technologies2022/2023
7PCG Academia2022/2023
8Arvo Consultores2022/2023
10NEKI IT2022/2023
11Vir Softech Private Limited2022/2023

2022 - 2023 DSpace Service Providers Contributions

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