Registered DSpace Service Providers have made an investment in our open technologies and a commitment to work cooperatively with DSpace to best serve the community of users.  Beginning July 1, 2022, there are three levels of Service Providers: Platinum, Gold, and Silver. In each category, a Service Provider could also become Certified after contributing a certain amount of hours to supporting the technical community of DSpace. Certified Providers participate in Expression of Interest calls for DSpace development coordinated by the DSpace Governance. Any Provider can apply for certification after providing at least 100 hours of technical contribution

LYRASIS support of Providers' activities can include marketing, communications, prospecting, and second-tier technical assistance as needed.

The goals of the Program are four-fold:

  • Working more closely with open-source service providers to generate qualified leads and promote the adoption of open technologies to a broader group of prospect organizations

  • Celebrating the expertise and in-kind contributions of service providers as it propels the quality and functionality of our code-bases and open knowledge to empower users

  • Providing support to service providers who want to start contributing to our communities

  • Generating revenue to fund DSpace staff positions to manage code contributions/ merges, releases, bug fixes, and community leadership and outreach efforts in support of the open technologies and communities  

The new Service Provider Program has three tiers: Silver, Gold and Platinum




Annual Value

$10,000 USD
200 hours of contribution
(or a combination of the two)

$25,000 USD
500 hours of contribution
(or a combination of the two)

$50,000 USD
1000 hours of contribution
(or a combination of the two)

Program Entry Fee*




*The Program Entry Fee is due at the beginning of each Term and it is deducted from the total amount due by the RSP at the end of each yearly term. 

There are different activities that can be provided by the Service Provider such as “Hours of Contributions” to the program and causing institutions to join Program membership, which is vitally important to the sustainability and growth of any community-led Program.

The table below lists the main activities (but it’s not a complete list):


Value given to each hour of contributed work

Code Development

$75 (only formally accepted code will be considered)

Bug Fixing and Reviews


WG participation


UG Coordination


Webinar org


Event org


*Activities must be presented to LYRASIS for pre-validation

Bringing in New Members*

Counted hours of contribution for each new member brought in

New Supporter Member

10 = $500 US

New Copper Member

20 = $1,000 US

New Bronze Member

50 = $2,500 US

New Silver Member

100 = $5,000 US

New Gold Member

200 = $10,000 US

New Platinum Member

400 = $20,000 US

*The contribution will be considered only for the Term the new member has been brought in


The certification process is based on the hours of technical contributions provided by the Service Provide to the community. With “technical contribution” is intended any work related to code development, bug fixing and code reviews.

Any Service Provider, no matter the Tier it belongs to, can apply to become a Certified Provider after providing a minimum of 100 hours of technical contributions.

The fees for participating support program staff positions to manage code and outreach efforts (70%), the administration of this program (20%), and LYRASIS role in open community leadership (10%). These financial contribution estimates will be adjusted at the end of each term based on staff worklogs and program revenue.

Our current list of service providers is available, here:

If you’d like to be involved or you have a question, please contact Michele Mennielli at

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