Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Developers Meeting on Weds, October 12, 2011


  • Updates on 1.8.0 Release
    • WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO READ THROUGH & DOUBLE CHECK 1.8.0 DOCUMENTATION (especially Upgrade & Installation docs)
    • Documentation that is still missing:
      • Various New Curation Tasks (Link Checker, MS Translator, etc) (Kim Shepherd?)
  • Do we need to add a "warning" to XML Configurable Workflow setup? It looks like in 1.8.0 there will be no way to "undo" a migration to Configurable Workflow. So, we need to be clear that once you migrate, there is no going back. (At a minimum, we may want to recommend a full backup before a migration, just in case you want to revert back for any reason.)

1.8.0 Bugs/Issues which are open (direct link)

PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO HELP WITH ANY UNASSIGNED ISSUES! We'd love to resolve all/most of these before 1.8.0 Final!

key summary assignee reporter

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View these issues in Jira

Meeting Transcript

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