Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Title (Goal)Admin UI - Manage input forms
Primary ActorAdmin
Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)

Admin wants to apply new input-forms.xml via the Admin UI.

  • Via the Admin UI, an admin can upload a new input-forms.xml.
  • Via the Admin UI, an admin can restart to apply new-input-forms.xml.

Admin wants to edit input-forms.xml via the Admin UI.

  • Via the Admin UI, an admin wants to be able to edit the input-forms.xml via a Web form.
  • The admin wants to be able to apply the changes via the Admin UI (restart or new alternative).



  1. Some related Use Cases to keep in mind when investigating possible implementations for this one:

  2. Also worth noting that this is directly related to Admin UI - Configurations in the admin UI, in that it might also be achievable by simply migrating these configurations to a place where they can be easily edited via a UI.  So, we should consider doing away with the "input-forms.xml" altogether, and making those configurations directly editable from the Admin UI.