Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Edit Bitstream Process

Step 1: Login using your credentials

Step 2: Go to the Item you want to edit

Users can reach an item through multiple methods, as listed below:

  1. Search for an item 
  2. Browse communities and collections
  3. Finding an item in the Administration section at Edit > Item

Click on the “Edit” button appearing on the right-hand side of the item title. 

Step 3: Click on the “Bitstreams” tab to edit the metadata.

Users can perform multiple functions in the bitstream tab. These are:

  1. Adding a bitstream or bundle in an item
  2. Updating or deleting an existing bundle in an item
  3. Update/delete/add bitstream(s) in an existing bundle

Add a Bitstream or Bundle in an item

Step 1: Click on the “Upload” button to upload a bitstream in existing bundles or create a new bundle to add a bitstream.

Step 2: Enter the bundle name or select existing names in the dropdown list.

Step 3: Click on the “Create bundle” button to create a bundle or click on “Cancel” to cancel the operation.

Step 4: Drag and drop the bitstream(s) you want to attach to the bundle, or you can click on the “browse” link appearing in the file upload section.

Step 5: After a successful bitstream(s) upload, the user can add more details about the bitstream on the next screen. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the page to save details, or click the “Cancel” button to discard updates.

Below is the description of various fields appearing on this page

  1. Primary bitstream: Click the button to set the bitstream as the primary bitstream for that bundle. If another bitstream was the primary bitstream beforehand, it will be replaced with this one. The thumbnail for the primary bitstream of the ORIGINAL bundle will be used as the main thumbnail for the item.
  2. The default value appearing in this field is the attachment’s filename. However, users can replace it with the value of their choice.
  3. Description: Users add a description of the attachment in this field.
  4. Embargo until date: Users can select a future date to restrict public access to the attachment. Additionally, users can grant access to a specific set of users by selecting user groups.
  5. Selected format: If the file extension of the uploaded attachment exists in the DSpace’s bitstream registry, the user will see the registered value for extension in this field. Users can change the value by selecting another one using the dropdown.

After clicking the “Save” button, the user will be redirected to the bitstream tab. A prompt confirming success or failure will appear. 

Edit a Bitstream or Bundle in an item

Step 1: Click on a bitstream and drag it above or below another bitstream(s) in the bundle to change the bitstream’s sequence.

Step 2: Apart from adjusting the bitstream’s sequence in a bundle, below are other options available:

  1. Download Bitstream: Click the button to download the attachment on the local device.
  2. Edit Bitstream: The “Edit bitstream” button is used to edit details. More details are given in the following steps.
  3. Delete Bitstream: Click on the Delete Bitstream button to delete Bitstream from the bundle.

Step 3: Click the "Edit" button on the screen above to edit the bitstream details. Below is the description of various fields appearing on this form

  1. Primary bitstream: Click on this button to set the bitstream as the primary bitstream for that bundle. If another bitstream was the primary bitstream beforehand, it will be replaced with this one. The thumbnail for the primary bitstream of the ORIGINAL bundle will be used as the main thumbnail for the item.
  2. Filename: The default value appearing in this field is the attachment’s filename. Users can replace it with the value of their choice.
  3. Description: Users add a description of the attachment in this field.
  4. Embargo until date: Users can select a future date to restrict public access to the attachment. Additionally, users can grant access to a specific set of users by selecting user groups. 
  5. Selected format: If the file extension of the uploaded attachment exists in the DSpace’s bitstream registry, the user will see the registered value for extension in this field. Users can change the value by selecting another one using the dropdown.

After clicking the “Save” button, the user will be redirected to the bitstream tab. A prompt confirming success or failure will appear.

Step 4: Use the "Delete" button to delete a bitstream. The attachment you want to delete will be highlighted in the red background for confirmation.

Click the “Save” button appearing below the bitstreams list to continue with the deletion. Otherwise, click the “Discard” button to cancel the process.

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