

  • Curtis Mirci, Greg Janée, (Dave Vieglais sent a brief update), John Kunze


Resolver and website updates, persistence statements

Discussion items



  • union ARKA list pending members

PIDFest happening this week, Donny Winston presenting on ARKs in a Czech cultural heritage panel
jk: Last week at Open Repositories Donny and I gave the ARK tutorial to 23 people
gj: report on national pid strategy doesn't mention ARKs; aren't pids international?
jk: union list has several pending members, but googlegroups can't seem to resend the invitations – maybe declare it "complete" for now?

Any news items we should blog about? Any calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings we should note? Please add to Calendar of events.

gj: Force11 conference restarting

N2T/ resolver status

  • open source? which license?

(passing along from Dave Vieglais, who sends regrets): I expect N2T to switch over to the new code next week
status of new process for updating documents on static website (
no update
persistence statements subgroup strawman document
gj: link to sticky statements paper
jk: ACTION will do
gj: the focus should be on metadata fields; and probably switch to json syntax
jk: I think of this ANVL thing as pseudo-code (pseudo-json)
cm: greppable json appears to be GRON?

Action items

  • John Kunze add link to persistence statements paper to strawman document