


Discussion items


There is a conflict with next meeting in May. Mark Phillips and Jefferson Bailey will be at IIPC 2023. The group agreed to defer the next meeting to July. 

John mentioned a 48-72 hour website outage in February. See notes under Infrastructure 

Any news items we should blog about? Any calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings we should note? Please add to Calendar of events.

iPres 2023 - CfP close 3-10

MP - please add to calendar as you run across them.

Updates from Workgroups




Technical WG (Kunze)

  • The subgroup on persistence is working to define a minimum viable product that must be returned to queries. It is also collecting use cases such as HathiTrust. The EZID use case is more complex since they deal with different identifiers and have served both CDL internal and external identifiers.
  • Donny Winston & John Kunze are delivering the first 3-hour training at Code4Lib conference. It has also been proposed  to the JCDL and IIIF annual meetings.  Considering submittng to  iPres2023.
    • The ARKA AG discussion included extend to a train the trainer approach and the value of extending this further to have ARKA members host local, regional training events by certified trainers that could have a promotional benefit, too.

Outreach (Kunze)

  • The group is finishing up a website homepage review.
  • The Code of Conduct was posted to homepage, and its contact link goes to a Google group address that is accessible to the chair and co-chair. It has not been announced yet.
  • A Mastondon instance created, and launched in time to notify the ARKA community of the February website outage
  • IIIF community presentation. John and ? presented about ARKs there as well as other organizations using ARKs in different ways. It was very well-received. It is possible to link to some of the other presentations.
  • "fables" opportunity. Recently, a French museum lost their name due to an IT reorganization at the host organization. The organization wasn't aware of the need. It's worth noting that the museum is willing to tell their failure story, and advocacy benefits from these types of stories, too. Bertrand and John K. are pursuing.


  • Mark Phillips will reach out to Brian to see what NAAN notes there are
  • John K noted there have been some issues with NAAN nodes. Not particularly new, however a recent spike in requests highlighted the need for a better, simpler approach. Resolving the problems that occur as requests come in can be handled manually. The question was raised if NAAN group might have different, less moderated access to the area in CDL where the code lives. The smaller things could be taken care of quickly as they arise. Brian may reach out to John Chodacki to determine who is a good contact.
Update on CDL Infrastructure WorkChodacki
  • (Kunze) the website ARKS.ORG was out 2/14-16/2023. A Wordpress site, it proved to be updating problems, plus a little more. This raises the question about responding to outages of various kinds and a lack of established processes for reporting found issues. This question extends to other things, infrastructure in general such as the wiki (Lyrasis) and N2T (CDL).  N2T contact is at the bottom of the N2T homepage but would not be available if that website went down.
    • Perhaps the N2T contact it goes to somewhere in CDL. 
    • It was noted, things not at CDL don't have a committed institutional home - wiki, domain name, wordpress hosting. 
    • The long term plan for website is to move it to a github site but that still leaves some questions unanswered.
    • Chodacki raised the concern about ARKA AG responsibility to communicate these things and the need to establish a standard a policy and procedures about this. 
    • Phillips recommended that we identify where there are gaps in our processes and infrastructure management, determine priorities based on impact to the ARK community, produce a remediation plan and a projected cost estimate to address in the short term as well as ongoing operational costs.

  • (Chodacki) When N2T and the other components first started up and CDL started to receive a lot of external requests, it ended up in chargebacks to requestor.
    • CDL is trying to extricate itself from this role as a broker of ARKs, DataCite and CrossRef DOIs for external organizations. DOI brokering is no longer. As far as ARKs, requests have not been fulfilled for many months.
    • Other organizations are welcome to function as broker, but ARKs are best maintained/grown in a decentralized model
    • N2T
      • Have created a new resolver for Ucal use, separate from N2T-EZID. It is now internal to CDL/UCal only.
      • Goal of decoupling is in part updating tech (remove tech debt). Also positions it better to move to another org host in future.
      • Prefer other organizations to stand up their own.
      • Decoupling from EZID. It is no longer minting DataCite and Crossref DOIs outside CDL/Ucal/related orgs.
    • NAAN registry
      • The group was reminded that this needs a new home given Kunze's retirement. A contractor from the ARKA community is working on getting it ready with the goal of moving it to github in the next few months. More info to come. It is recommended that this not be published or broadcast.
      • The Google form for NAAN requests send it to the group who then runs it through the workflow (scripts) and creates the NAAN.
      • John C stressed again that the ownership of these things belongs to the community. 
ARK Expenses and Finances - Fact FindingPhillips

Permission requested to start researching. Group response = yes.

Action items
