

  • Maria Gould, Ricc Ferrante, John Kunze


     ARK spec transition, previous action items

Discussion items


newest working group member: Donny Winston

preliminary discussion about NISO standardization

Calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings: Calendar of events

jk: is anyone going to iPres?
rf: several SI folks tend to go; jefferson bailey will be there
mg: Eric L?

Any news items we should blog about?

Conference swag? Stickers for iPres? Other ideas?

rf: has there been a copyright review?
mg: the original icon came from a CC0 site;
rf: would be good if we can state that the logo came from a CC0 site
mg: ROR has used "sticker mule" without problems
all: no problem going ahead with a proposal
mg: who pays?
jk: first time could be simple out-of-pocket donation; a kind of experiment
rf: maybe we need to create a fund for this kind of expense

We have long talked about creating an extended (eg, 60-90 minute) video presentation/tutorial on ARKs, and now we have an invitation from the DPC (Digital Preservation Coalition) leadership to present it to the DPC membership. I'd like to propose that we figure out how to make this happen.

jk: DPC wants an ARK webinar
rf: SI has an office that does production, but it costs real money
mg: can take lots of work to pre-record; I'd suggest canvassing the WGs to find out who might be willing to participate
mg: I wouldn't put pressure on that DPC event to be the one-and-only event; share the recording, but separate out the idea of later (possibly) doing a pre-recorded thing
mg: I think people don't like to watch long videos; personally I'd probably prefer to choose among a cluster of short videos (3-5 minutes each)
rf, jk: agreed
rf: stories of real people using ARKs can be good (testimonials, use cases)

  1. Julien's 3-part blog post (3 posts) on IIIF and ARKs can still use volunteers. Please respond if you're willing to work on any part. The draft versions are here: 

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3

IIIF intro article:
why ARKs and IIIF? why an API is important?
rf: SI has reasons for choosing IIIF and ARK; recommend talking to rebecca snyder
jk: I will reach out to her about this story
jk: will also check that rf has an account

Karen Hanson (Tech WG) has started a "transition use case document" to which the Technical WG is requesting contributions. The document lists use cases to help ARKA create a plan and some messaging around transitioning the ARK community from the old spec (ark:/12345/...) to the new spec (ark:12345/...).
mg: I'd like more of an overview to understand better what's being asked
jk: Greg J's paragraph at the front is a decent problem summary
mg: would be good to have a deadline
action: set deadline and timeline

Action items from April 28

  • Poll Smithsonian museums about use of ARKs with images, particularly IIIF presented images Riccardo Ferrante 
  • Explore SEO options for Wordpress websites that might improve ARK Alliance content in Google index ranking Riccardo Ferrante 
  • Draft blog posts 1) ARK implementation with the recently fully digitized US National Herbarium collections; 2) Use of a central digital asset management system to generate ARKs for different sub-organizations Riccardo Ferrante 

rf: no updates on these items
Google workspace for ARKA?

Action items