Contribute to the DSpace Development Fund

The newly established DSpace Development Fund supports the development of new features prioritized by DSpace Governance. For a list of planned features see the fund wiki page.

Meeting Information

Date and Time: July 24 2024, 11 AM-12 PM (EDT)

Meeting link: See calendar invitation


  • Maureen Walsh (Chair)
  • Pascal Becker
  • Scott Hanrath (green star)
  • Erica Johns
  • Kristi Park

(green star) Note taker. Rotates each meeting


ItemDescription and ActionsResources

Michele excused. Executive session DSpace Steering members

  • Review MOU and work on proposed edits
  • WG's recommended edits will go to Steering for approval. Then Leadership


WG discussed updates to MOU draft resulting from the last Steering meeting

Action Items

Maureen will clean up the doc to share with the WG.

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