
Call-in Information

Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Brian Lowe  
  2. Georgy Litvinov 
  3. Dragan Ivanovic 
  4. Huda Khan (star)
  5. William Welling 
  6. Benjamin Gross 


  1. Strategy for merging the Dynamic API sprint branch
    1. Sprint participants will create a main branch PR
  2. Demo sprint meeting
    1. March-31st, 10am Eastern Time
    2. Resolving dependency conflict and security vulnerabilities
      2. How to publish 0.6.4 release for orcid-client-api?
  3. Strategy for publishing April release 
    2. Completion of PRs reviewing -,
      1. Deadline - April 7th (next meeting)
    3. Merging PRs 
      1. On the next meeting (April 7th)
    4. Testing main branch
      1. deployment of VIVO and Vitro, main functionalities and special focus on new features (probably new interface translations, online translation feature, maybe upload of files
      2. Deadline - April 14th
    5. Publishing a release 
      1. Deadline - April


William (separate discussion): Unit testing a helpful part of development/testing. 

Benjamin (from chat): Seems like maybe the check style is enabled, but perhaps not configured to break the Maven install?

Initially, configured that it wouldn’t even build if check style didn’t pass. 

Georgy: Taking over another person’s PR? Example: Vitro PR 80, advanced role management.  Will be a new branch that will advance this PR and further modifications to work with 1.12.  Multiple institutions use this code.  

William: If feature work was taken out of Graham’s branch, can put in a new PR, and if it’s not a squash merge for that, it won’t close this PR. We can work it out

Benjamin (from chat): TIB is definitely using some version of the advanced role management.

Georgy: Benjamin Kampe will create PR and Georgy will try to review it.

William: In regards to automation, would be good to some things: test coverage.  When impose code quality on code base, should influence committers/contributors, instead of dissuade them.  Need to be strict regarding quality of code base and not proliferate problem of having good code coverage.  

Would be good agenda item in the future to discuss technical debt

William suggests looking at DSpace’s approach for using GitHub/defining and describing pull requests as a model for how to provide useful information about pull requests, etc.

Benjamin (From chat): All the DSpace issues are supposedly here:


  1. Strategy for merging the Dynamic API sprint branch
    1. Suggestion: at least one committer (not in?) participants in sprint should be reviewer.  
      1. Also working on wiki documentation
      2. Could finish documentation and then start review
      3. Planning on making the pull request
      1. Brian: code should be using RDF Service directly and not writing to model
      2. Brian: old code would go through models and the shim code (Abox jena models, etc.).  Does triple by triple transactions.  
        1. New editing code: once have graph you want to write to.  The KB2 graph. Main ABox assertions graph.  
      3. Dragan: Discuss with Veljko?
        1. Could use those same two models to create change set for RDF Service. Apply that change set to KB2 graph. Avoids question of which Jena model to use and makes it more performant.
        2. Brian: Discussed other things but not this particular aspect
        3. Dragan: Should also simplify any modification of triples and not just addition
        4. Brian: Existing forms will get to state where two jena models: additions and retractions.  Now those get directly added/removed from write model.
        5. Dragan: Comment in pull request to help further it?
        6. William: minimal changes to N3 code in Vitro. N3 Templates
        7. Brian: If tapping into old processrdf form, then need to also see how it’s writing the data
      4. Dragan: When adding new dynamic action, if want to update that action, how to represent that?
        1. Dragan: At moment, N3 template operation working for creating new triples. Doesn’t seem to work for updating/editing.
        2. Georgy: Old dynamic action will have old URIs and change set can just update the triples? Or modifying properties of the action?
      5. Candidates: Ben, Brian, Huda, and Ralph
      6. Will introduce 60-70 new Java files
      7. Integration tests inside the code
      8. Benjamin: Happy to test functionality
      9. Dragan: Trying to design demo for next week.  From there, could use those entry files/descriptions of dynamic actions as a starting point.  Could change that slightly if want to test other aspect of that contribution.
      10. Dragan: Need to also merge three contributions
      11. Dragan: Also noticed that N3Template should be updated
    2. Sprint participants will create a main branch PR
  2. Demo sprint meeting - 
    1. March 31st, 10am Eastern Time
      1. Dragan will send announcement
    2. How to publish 0.6.4 release for orcid-client-api?
      1. Resolving dependency conflict and security vulnerabilities
      2. William discussed vulnerabilities discovered in the ORCID VIVO integration code (API client) 

        Georgy may test the pull request addressing.

        Dragan tested the unit test

        William: Any documentation about how to publish that dependency?

        Dragan: Asked Ralph who may be available soon to discuss that.  Can make it work for the demo next week, since need to generate Open API specifications when including new JAR of ORCID client api.  

  3. Strategy for publishing April release 
    2. Completion of PRs reviewing -,
      1. Deadline - April 7th (next meeting)
    3. Merging PRs
      1. On the next meeting (April 7th)
    4. Testing main branch
      1. deployment of VIVO and Vitro, main functionalities and special focus on new features (probably new interface translations, online translation feature, maybe upload of files
      2. Deadline - April 14th
    5. Publishing a release 
      1. Dragan will work with Ralph this time, and then will work on how we can  generate a release in less time than we do now.
      1. Deadline - April 21st
    6. Languages: Seems like Russian may be complete, and Serbian in progress

Draft notes on Google Drive


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