Project Name

Mission: Project mission statement.

Year 3 Scope: (optional)

  • Succinct scope statements
    • Short work statement/goal
    • Short work statement/goal

Upcoming Meetings

Completed Meetings

Link to previous year meetings

Helpful Links

link to critical document

Project Members


  • dev 1 name (role)
  • dev 2 name (role)

Support Staff

  • dev ops name (role)

Library Staff

  • library stake holder (role)

Other Stake Holders

  • additional stake holders (role)

Other Resources

  • open source community resources (role)

  • list of similar or overlapping projects

  • list of key documentation about parts of the project
  • e.g. How to configure S3
  • e.g. Sidekiq setup

  • within the institution
  • at other institutions

Top Near Term Goals


Goals listed in Priority Order
  • list of current work cycle goals (dev name) (link to Issue)
Staffing Notes:
  • notes related to % time on project
  • other staffing notes

  • none yet
  • none yet

Most recent completion listed first.

  • as goals are completed, move them here
  • none yet

Live Sites

  • (link to) production
  • (link to) stage
  • (link to) integration

Project Documents

  • Requirements and Workplan
    • (link to) High level Workplan
    • (link to) Detailed Requirements
  • Technical Documents
    • (link to) Test Plan
    • (link to) Release Process
    • (link to) Code (link to GitHub)
    • (link to) Issue Tracking (link to GitHub/Jira)
      • Issues: Open, Closed (links to each)
      • PRs: Open, Closed (links to each)

Reference Material

  • dependency code
    • link to major dependency code in GitHub (e.g. Blacklight)
  • communications
    • slack channels
      • internal channels
      • external channels (e.g. blacklight dev)
    • mail lists
      • internal
      • external
    • meetings
      • list of regular occurring meeting

  • supplies
  • misc catch all

  • No labels