
Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:



(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Andrew Woods
  2. Mike Conlon
  3. Huda Khan 
  4. María Amalia Flórez Huertas (star)
  5. Ralph O'Flinn
  6. Brian Lowe
  7. Benjamin Gross
  8. William Welling
  9. Don Elsborg


  1. Community updates
    1. VIVO Scholars
  2. Vitro Messaging demo (to be recorded)
  3. Special topics for future dev calls
    1. Scheduling Brown's read/write decoupled UI
    2. 2019-12-06 - Special Topic - TDB vs SDB
  4.  In-review tickets 
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.  - need 1 reviewer
    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.  - need 2 reviewers
    3. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.  - need 1 more reviewer
    4. type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

      Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  5. Short-term development activity
    1. Extract ontology from core codebase
    2. Extract languages from core codebase
    3. Move from 'develop' to 'master' branch
  6. Review of vivo-project repos for appropriateness of being supported by Committers


  1. Status of In-Review tickets

    type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

    Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.


Draft notes in Google-Doc

  1. Vivo Scholars
    1. William: there is still lots of work to shape data. 
    2. Andrew: how does it work with the new ontology?
    3. William: it’s still in process. The properties are going to be included in the document. The models have been addressed to determine relationship represented in java. The schemas are still under study from the process understanding point of view. They have decided not to move data to the index. 
    4. There are going to be action items to address this matter. 
    5. Andrew: confirms the data mapping will continue. There will not be 2 repositories.
    6. Mike: the intention to use information from the triple store continues?
    7. William: it’s not guarantee that everything will be included. The entire ontology isn´t gonna be included.
    8. Ralph: not everything on the ontology has been validated. It’s not gonna be included.
    9. William: example, not all the properties of a relationship are gonna be included. The index will not include everything.
    10. Mike: if documentation is clear, people can recreate whatever is missing.
  2. Vitro Messaging demo: William: is ready. It’s being recorded. @Andrew has it. This integration includes “Apache ActiveMQ Artemis”. The delta patch works as a separate triple store service. It’s a new feature for Vitro
  3. Scheduling Brown's read/write decoupled UI
    1. Andrew will confirm date maybe not next week.
    2. 2019-12-06 - Special Topic - TDB vs SDB:  Andrew asks for options to make the call more effective. Ralph: Jena is important to be included. All people involved are gonna be in the call. Don: confirms the purpose of the meeting with the developers at the community. Mike: maybe open a google doc will help to get all appreciations together William: will help with sort of a benchmarking. TDB and vitro are working together. Mike: if it’s not supported by Jena.. then it’s a controversial discussion point. Don: what´s the use of Jena? William: lots of general libraries uses it.  Everybody agrees to prepare tasks in advance before the meeting is happening.  



  • Organize a session on Brown's work on editing

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