These seem to be technical functionalities rather than community aspects, but I'm leaving them here for now.

Ability to search and browse locally

*keyword search
*name search
*browse by semantic heading
*browse by location
*browse by department
*browse by faculty type

Ability to search and browse nationally - same as above, but also inlude:

*browse by country>state>city
*find a colleague (country/institution based)

Additional searches:

*Chemical search (Collexis)
*Journals: Explore the journals in which your investigators publish
*Types of papers; Explore the types of papers your investigators publish (breaks pubs down by type)

Recent search queries:

*Most searched today
*Most searched this month

Limits or "facets" for search refinement:

*MeSH keywords,
*Similar people (similar MeSH headings in pubs?)
*Other people in department (or building?)

Ability to modify profile

*Prompt, when logging into profile for first time, to locate pubs in PubMed, ResearcherID (ISI), Scopus, Mathematical Reviews, ArXiv
*Research concepts (probably derived from publication descriptors, grant info, self-assigned, other institutional systems)
*Add/Change information to specific parts of my profile
*Display or hide each section, except for basic information

Ability to ingest data from "authoritative" sources

*HR (queried every night?)
*grants (queried every X months)
*pubs (queried every X months)
*courses (queried every X months)
*web pages?
*reporting systems? (tougher, larger variety of products to deal with)

Delivery of data to consumers (value addition)

*we pages
*reporting tools?
*self (as biosketch, vita etc)


*Add investigator to a designated network
*Suggest someone else add someone to their network
*add someone to contacts
*add someone as a bookmark
*"Passive" network is built automatically? (same department, same building, co-authors - similar to Profiles)
*"Active" network is self-created and you can designate (collaborators, advisors, or advisees - again this function is found in Profiles)


Send me an email when:

*I receive a private message,
*when a new publication is assigned to my profile (would pubs be assigned to a profile, without consent?),
*or someone in my network releases a new publication
*share my networks with others (Profiles)

Analyzing by Concept - local

*Who is an expert on X? (All experts? Experts with ># published articles? experts with articles have the MeSH concept appearing more often? self-designated expert?)
*What publications have come out of a department?

Analyzing by Concept - National

*Expert or "similar person" search/browse
*Which institution has published most on X?
*What journals have published articles on X?

Spatial Mapping

*Author Network
*Concept Mapping
*Taxonomic/common name searches


*Last updated profile date and by whom (in case of proxy editing)
*Export to and from bibliographic management software
*Ability to push content from profile to department or institutional homepages
*feeding to vita
*mobile accessible
*Display or hide sections of your profile, except basic information, by clicking the hide/show links (Profiles function)