June 26, 2024 – VIVO Leadership Group Meeting - https://lyrasis.zoom.us/j/9963190968

LG members: Brian Lowe Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo; L Bryan CooperStefano Pinelli Bridget Almas; Christian Hauschke; Thomas D. Halling (Derek); Terrie R. Wheeler; Paul Albert 

Lyrasis: Michele MennielliDragan Ivanovic

Regrets: Robert Cartolano;

Welcome – All

  1. Selection - Notetaker & Attendance                                   (1 minute)                                        
  2. Consent Agenda (Please read before meeting.)                      (1 minute)
    1. Lyrasis Reports
      1. Dragan:
        1. VIVO 1.14.3 has been released;
        2. The VIVO 1.15.0 Release Candidate 1 is available for community testing - https://wiki.lyrasis.org/display/VIVO/Release+Testing+-+1.15.0
        3. Initial ideas for VIVO 1.16.0 might be to be focused on UI improvements: Responsiveness, WCAG compatibility, Branding.
      2. Mic:
        1. On Wednesday June 12, Dr. Malte Kramer from the University of Muenster (Germany) presented the work they’re doing on VIVO As A Service (https://www.uni-muenster.de/CRIS.NRW/). They developed a platform (CRIS.NRW) built on HISinOne (a German based CRIS by HIS) and VIVO, hosted at the University of Muenster that will be provided to all the universities in the region of North-Rhine Westphalia. The state initiative CRIS.NRW is a cooperation project funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia within the framework of the Digital University NRW, which supports North Rhine-Westphalian universities in improving their research reporting .
        2. Universities need to comply with the "Recommendations for the Specification of the Core Research Data Set " (KDSF) released by the Science Council, and CRIS.NRW’s goal is to support them in doing so.
        3. They decided to use VIVO as central research portal, because:
      3. VIVO allows extensive customization of the “look and feel”
      4. VIVO supports the implementation of barrier-free usability and mobile first.
      5. It allows a wide range of configuration options.
      6. It enables custom code extensions.
      7. By using VIVO the operational data in the CRIS is separated from the data for external presentation.
      8. Only the research data/information marked as “CRIS” by scientists is transferred to VIVO.
      9. They had to use HISinOne but it might be possible to use other CRISs.     


 3. University of Muenster – Software as a Service (SaaS) – Discussion, including in context of Columbia University’s needs,                                                             (15 minutes)

4.  VIVO LG Member Updates / Issues

a. Paul Albert – Cornell              (15 minutes)

b.  Q&A – All                               (5 minutes)

5. Conversation w/SciteAI - https://scite.ai/ - possible collaboration            (5 minutes)

6. VIVO narrative at Paris Conference - Open Research Information –          action on Barcelona Declaration (Christian)                                                 (5 minutes)

7. LG sub-committee Q&A (3 months of meetings – discuss scheduling) (10 minutes)

8. VIVO end-user and prospective user survey – post-sub-committee?

  1. See attached Catalyst Grant proposal for original plan
  2. Abandon or pursue end-user / market research?
  3. Other possible sources to fund?
    1. In-kind contributions? (Lyrasis, LG member institutions?)
    2. Travel budget?
    3. Etc.?

9. Closing comments – thoughts? (3 minutes)


Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 11:00 EDT

-Consent agenda approved

-Mishele Mennielli reported on VIVO and CRIS system being used by a German organization.  VIVO used as a portal to gather information and data from the CRIS system. 
HISinOne (Website only in German): https://www.his.de/hisinone
https://fis-portal.uni-bielefeld.de/vivo/ is the first implementation
Could explore other options with the approach.

Bridget Almas found value in how to deploy and potentially market the approach.  Demonstrated that it could be hosted as a service.

Brian Lowe brought up the importance of questioning whether VIVO not the place to manage the data itself or as a front-end

Christian Hauschke contributed that it is effective with institutions with streamlined requirements.

Bryan Cooper spoke of the value of diverse solutions and options (a "spoke" approach rather than streamlined), how do we consider the nuances of different entities for maximum benefit.

Dragan Ivanovic pointed out the importance of needing to see the process on a larger scale (versus a small sliver).

-Welcome Paul Albert.  Spoke on Cornell being a member of an NIH grant along with ITHAKA.  Spent time on politics of getting hands on data.  Lots of confusion and chaos at first, counted on VIVO community to navigate through questions.  Goal of using VIVO as an authoritative source of record where there was no data.  Biomedicine has a focus on publication output, so made that a priority.  Indexed as much as data as possible for enhanced searching.  Imported all data into VIVO, leading to performance issues.  Sometimes it would crash (200 alerts in last year and a half).  Haven't had a lot of luck in improving the performance of the system.  Put caching in place to help with the load, performance still an issue.  There is code that takes info from systems and puts into VIVO. Takes data in a tabular format, and reformats into a specific form.  Data from source systems, and data that's manually entered.  Someone will go into their profile, but when they edit, it adds an additional year.  Corrections have to be made to the offending triple.  Paul added that performance got better after they forbade access to anyone to the RDF files.  They also implemented a "bad bots" forbid list.  Paul would like to see the RDF computed so everyday developer isn't spending time on figuring out how to get data into VIVO.

-Josh Nicholson - SiteAI - Used at MIT for open source metadata and abstracts.  Applying ChatGPT to metadata and information structures.  Could this construct be part of a future grant?  Also interested in DSPACE.  Christian pointed out that VIVO should be well-prepared to use the tool due to how it's constructed.

-Barcelona Declaration - Christian reported that there was a lot of interest in it.  The Paris conference has been announced and it is an opportunity to take it from a declaration to action.  Open invite to anyone who wants to join (let Christian know).

Bridget Almas offered that OpenAlex might also be a good tool to consider for ingestion. 

-LG subcommittee - review draft.  Meetings will have varying attendance.  Meetings to start mid-July at earliest, probably August.

-VIVO leadership meeting to go to 1.5 hours (starting 30 minutes earlier). 

-Michele contribute that the new website is up: https://vivo.lyrasis.org/

-Christian added https://forschungsatlas.fid-bau.de/ is already using OpenAlex Metadata, but we started working on a more rich mapping.

-Bryan brought up the survey, and that it did not get the targeted the grant, but perhaps there is still value in the survey.  Funding is a question. 

-Bridget is going to connect Christian with parties interested in OpenAlex.

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