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Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:


Development Process


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Jim Blake

  2. Tim Worrall

  3. Huda Khan  

  4. Don Elsborg (star)

  5. Brian Lowe

  6. Ralph O'Flinn

  7. Kristina Cottingham

  8. Joel Richard

  9. Steven McCauley
  10. @Svantje Lilienthal
  11. Benjamin Gross


  1. Sprint update
    1. i18n
    2. Externalized Search
    3. ABox / TBox
  2. 1.10 

    1. bugs (1.10.1?)

      type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

      Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

    2. Plans for a 1.10.1 patch release

  3. Advanced Role Management 3-day fiesta!
    1. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  4. ORCID integration
  5. Recent mailing list topics:
    1. No Subject - csv ingest
    2. Add Handle Support in VIVO?
    3. Adding External Vocabularies
    4. Answered. Nice work, team!
      1. Accounts creation via Sparql Update API - thanks Jim Blake 
      2. How to add corresponding name to a language tag? - thanks Benjamin Gross
      3. VIVO COMMITTEE ENTITY - thanks Marijane White


Draft notes in Google-Doc

  • Pre-Agenda discussion regarding ORCID

    • Suggestion to log into OpenVIVO and provide ORCID and see what happens

  • Sprint update

    • German updates for intl, externalized search included jims updates, Ralph and Huda did review of some SOLR items

    • Ralph - one minor update and it should be done

    • Huda - needs another smoke test, search boost then done

    • SOLR -- just needs a little clean up

    • Andrew - 1.10.1 can be a minor updat ewith these changes

    • Don - did elastic index people?

    • Andrew -- content showed up in elastic, but when he added people it did

    • Don -- had no problem seeing people show in 1.9.3 wiht elastic

    • Don - to create a ticket to update docs with centos 7, glib 2.14 pre-req to compile 1.10

    • Ralph -- Java 8 EOL -- need to look at this

    • Jim -- Java 11 has long term support, Oracle will prob charge for 1.11 support, openjdk should be considered

    • Ralph - only thinking openjdk

    • Jim -- is doc up to speed with openjdk vs. oracle jdk

    • Ralph -- will update docs

    • Brian -- problems uploading jpegs

    • Don - changes in application.n3 to allow uploads of images with openjdk 8

    • Benjamin posted: for Grahms openjdk image changes

    • Andrew - re java version and openjdk - we need a policy regarding version of java and os that vivo works against

    • OpenJDK



    • (edited) -- this is actually Oracles

    • So which version of jdk to attach ourselves to

    • Ralph - has always used the Redhat versions and had success

    • Andrew - Redhat version is most reliable and supported by RHEL

    • Ralph - Redhat version also has a high level of support for Tomcat

    • Jim posted in slack: Some discussion on our options:

    • JIm -- one of the things in the article is the growth of support for various implementations.

    • Andrew - ultimately doing review of dependencies

    • Ralph - because we’re so far behind solr versions he had to go way back in archives to figure out why he had UI issues

    • Question to all: is there anyone who gets a kick out of updating maven/project dependencies? Maven has good tools to scan dependencies.

    • Ralph could be into this

    • Jim -- if Ralph finds code changes to accomodate updates, he’s interested in this

    • Andrew - Kitio was stuck with creating a pull request that was too big to land, he’ll probably recreate these into smaller requests

    • Abox/Tbox

      • Brian - we have a coherent chunk of stuff, should

      • Don -- add use cases to docs

      • Andrew -- add use cases to tickets, one ticket per ticket.

      • Don -- action - add tickets for label change, class group change, visibility, classgroups assignments, the latest email for authentication

      • Regarding adding accounts -- the thread from email 5.d.i can be added to the doc, because the thread talks about config vs. content graphs

      • Jim -- re: authentication issue, the issue might be solved with some extra research and not code

      • Andrew - action to find where to place documentation in wiki

  • Item 2.a VIVO 1.10 bugs

    • Jira 1547 -- ready to go, needs some review

    • If 1547 gets merged 1602, 1549 can be reviewed

    • Proposing 1.10.1 to distribute these changes

    • Ralph -- let’s just wait for 1.11

    • Don - who is running 1.10

    • Andrew - doesn’t know

    • Ralph - guessing that shops are probably just testing

    • Benjamin - at least 3 shops running 1.10

      • UNAVCO, Clarivate demo, and Fred Hutch are all on 1.10

    • Benjamin - nothing that’s super urgent for patch release

    • Andrew - ok - will wait for 1.11

  • Advance Role demo done by Graham

    • Large piece of work, will need multiple eyes for a review

    • Andrew proposing a role mgmt swarm to review this

    • Silence for volunteers --- crickets

    • Benjamin -- likes what Graham has done, but can’t commit time

    • Ralph - in the same boat, but no time, what time he has would rather work on dependencies issue

    • Andrew asking Svantje, who is working with Graham, if she’s into working on this?

    • Kristina Cotting : Integration for their vivo is the priority. They want to enable what they can regarding the ORCID API.

    • Andrew will try to move it forward best he can

  • Agenda 4 - ORCID integration

    • Pointer to commit that went into OPENVIVO is a starter

    • Kristina - tried to log into OPENVIVO with ORCID and got a 500 error

    • Andrew -- just the OPENVIVO server just needs a reboot

  • Re: mailing list - some unresolved issues

    • 5a - brief, not much to work with, person trying to ingest and just needs guidance

    • Sept 10th, same person had problems starting 1.9, lots of response on that thread

    • 5b - Yinlin put this forward

      • To what degree do we want to build in VIVO support for handles

      • Brian - can talk to ontology group about handles

      • Don - spoke with folks and they stated that a handle maybe shouldn’t be a first class object in VIVO. Perhaps it should just be a pointer to a remote handle server?


Previous Actions

  • Alex Viggio will bring news of Elasticsearch instead of Solr up with Product Evolution.  Might there be consequences for the September sprint.

  • No labels