Wednesday, September 27 at 11:00 EDT 

LG members: Not recorded; Secretary absent. 

Lyrasis: Not recorded; Secretary absent.

Regrets: Not recorded; Secretary absent.


Agenda for September 2023 VIVO Leadership Group

Announcements (0 mins)

  1. The National CRIS in Brazil, congratulations Washington:
  2. EuroCRIS meeting Spain, Nov. 21-23.
  3. Links for the recording/slides of the VIVO dynamic API presentation by Dragan, Brian and Georgy.


Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Report on VIVO Meetup at Semantic Web libraries conference (Berlin). (Christian (if available), 5


  1. Elections Process (Bryan and/or Bruce, 10 mins)
  2. Prepare for EuroCris Meeting (Anna, 10 mins)
  3. Developing a group to seek funding for VIVO Development (Bryan and Bruce, 10 min)


Meeting via the alternative Zoom link: Join Zoom Meeting

Edited Agenda & Minutes

Wednesday, September 27 at 11:00 EDT

Agenda for September 2023 VIVO Leadership Group

Announcements (0 mins)

  1. The National CRIS in Brazil, congratulations Washington:
  2. EuroCRIS meeting Spain, Nov. 21-23.
  3. Links for the recording/slides of the VIVO dynamic API presentation by Dragan, Brian and Georgy. Download: (meant for Leadership)

Discussion (50 mins)

  1. Report on VIVO Meetup at Semantic Web libraries conference (Berlin). (Christian and Sonja, 5 mins)
    • Room had 20 people!
    • 5 hours discussion and then lunch break.
    • Discussed project metadata can be used by VIVO profiles. Needs to be improved in VIVO ontology.  Rolf at Berlin and ? from Brazil.
    • Ontology interest group has meeting notes. Link to the VIVO meetup notes:
    • Christian is facilitating two people interested in joining the ontology working group.
  2. Another Berlin Event, CRIS Workshop, Christian invited to demo VIVO. Significant interest. 
  3. Elections Process (Terrie, 10 mins)
    • We are a bit behind.
    • As we will have a meeting on September 27, I (as promised) propose the following schedule:
      • October 2 – 5: Official Nominations for the Bronze representative election (solicit nominations NOW, so we are prepared in advance!) There are SIX Bronze members  (am I missing anyone?)
        1. Sigma - Anna
        2. Florida International U – Bryan
        3. Technical U of Denmark – Mogens Sandfaer
        4. Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
        5. University of California Davis – Vessela Ensberg
        6. University of Quebec in Montreal Tristan Müller <>
      • October 9 – 13 Elections for the Bronze Seat
      • October 16 – October 20 – Nominations for the Community Member election (3 at-large community member seats)
      • October 23 – October 27 – Elections for the Community Member Seats
      • October 30 – Nov 10 – Nominations for LG Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary)
      • Nov 13 – Nov 17 – Elections for LG Officers
      • Nov 20 – Nov 29 – Orientation, training (announcing new officers on Nov 29 as Nov 22 is the day before Thanksgiving) (We can change this)
    • This schedule reduces the time allocated to gathering nominations and to voting to one week each, with the exception of nominations for LG Officers, which may take longer. This also allows for 9 days to schedule orientation and training.
  4. Prepare for EuroCris Meeting (Anna, 10 mins)
    • Call for papers has been sent.
    • 22-23 in Pamplona Spain.
    • Anna is interested in organizing a VIVO track for presentations.
  5. Developing a group to seek funding for VIVO Development (Bryan and Bruce, 10 minutes) -

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