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Developers / DCAT Meeting before OR16 on Mon, June 13, 2016

Face-to-face developer's meeting on topic of the DSpace RoadMap at OR2016 in Dublin.

Who is invited?

If you don't fall into one of the above categories, you are still welcome to attend. However, be warned that discussion will likely get very technical at times (which is why we recommend you be a developer or have a technology background).

Please sign up for this "working meeting" as follows...



Format of Meeting

This meeting will be organized as a group discussion. Although at times one or more of us may lead discussion sections, it is meant to be a group discussion and not a series of presentations.

9:00am : Introductions

  • Name, Institution, How are you using DSpace?, How have you customized DSpace (or anything you'd be willing to contribute back)?
  • Assign a note taker!

9:15 - 11:00am :  New UI Initiative , Decision Making / Collaboration

  • DSpace New UI Initiative and Roadmap to DSpace 7
  • DCAT, Committers and Steering/Leadership: How we collaborate and make decisions together
    • Streamlining the ways to get new features approved and into DSpace
      • Which features should be pushed up for DCAT or Steering approval first?
    • Moving the code through technical approval process. Are there ways to streamline?
    • Streamlining the ways we share expertise / contributions between and within our groups?

11:00 - 11:15am : Coffee Break

11:15am - 12:30pm: DSpace-CRIS (and other topics)

What would YOU like to hear about or discuss?  Please add your ideas to this list, and if we have extra time during our meeting, we will pull topics from this list to discuss.

  • Creating a community for repository managers/super users to share expertise.
    • Our developer meetings and DCAT discussions are often task-oriented and future-focused (next software release).  
    • We do not currently have a forum for exploring existing system features (facets, workflow, permissions, etc) and discussing best practices around those features.
      • Comment (from Tim): There may be direct opportunities to start some of this in the design / implementation of the new User Interface. I would love to have feedback on feature best practices and UI design. This is a great opportunity to build the UI we need/want, and not just recreate what we already have.
    • A forum such as this could be a useful way to nurture future project contributors.
  • The DSpace 6 Service API - What is now possible
    • The new service API introduced hibernate into DSpace.  What capabilities does this infrastructure enable (performance tuning, diagnostics, etc)?
  • Metadata Authority
    • The metadatavalue table contains 2 columns: authority and confidence.  
    • What is the intended behavior of these fields?  Are these fields behaving as expected? (note: the intended behaviour is documented in the Data Model section here: Authority Control of Metadata Values)
    • There has been some recent discussion of text vs URL's in metadata.  Could these fields provide a solution to the issues being discussed?
  • Usage Statistics - how to deal with inaccuracies such as bots.
    • NOTE: For folks interested in this topic, there are a few OR16 sessions related to improving DSpace statistics:
  • Overview of the process of how new code gets into DSpace; not just the GitHub-specific process, but what discussions take place, the whole workflow, and where people can help to move code through that process.
  • GPG-Key-Signing: We sign our releases but we didn't build a chain of trust yet. Let's cross sign our keys to catch up. More info here (you'll need to print something before-hand if you actually want people to be able to sign your key).

Sign Up to Attend!

If you're planning to attend this meeting, please add your name to the sign up sheet below. This will help us better cater to content to the audience type. In addition, don't forget to officially REGISTER for this workshop from the OR2016 site (as that is the official registration form)

Sign Up Sheet - Will Be Attending  (If you are only able to attend part of the meeting, please note your approximate arrival)

  1. Tim Donohue
  2. Maureen Walsh
  3. Jonathan Markow
  4. Pascal-Nicolas Becker
  5. Mariya Maistrovskaya
  6. Terrence W Brady
  7. Susan Borda
  8. Hardy Potting
  9. Graham Triggs
  10. Roeland Dillen
  11. Andrea Schweer
  12. Ivan Masár
  13. Ignace Deroost
  14. Bram Luyten (Atmire)
  15. Andrea Bollini (4Science)
  16. Michele Mennielli
  17. Margaret Vail

Possibly Attending / Unsure

  • (add your name here)


Meeting Notes

(in progress)

Q: Can you talk more about the backend? (Ivan)

A: Regular Angular 2 backend.


Q:Performance (Pascal)

A: Only used for clients with JavaScript turned off (Google Scholar, explicitly in browsers)


Q NoScript extension (Mark)

A: Roeland uses it, works, requires JavaScript turned on. Does more than just turning off JS per domain, like XSS protection. (Roeland)


Q: REST API completeness, missing features

A: UI developers are keeping a list. We’ll discuss whether current REST is adequate or needs a rehaul.


Q: Road map for the UI? (Monika)

A: Will be covered later in the presentation


Q: Theming support (Ivan)

A: Bootstrap theming (there was a successful prototype of changing Bootstrap variables from admin UI). CSS (SASS). Very HTML-like templates. (Tim, Art)


Q: Performance (Kim)

A: The frontend (Angular server-side rendering)  can run on a separate machine. Possibly multiple different frontends in front of a single DSpace instance.


Q: Theme per collection/community/site – we should support out of the box. (Ivan)


Q: Angular components (?)

A: Can be moved around, HTML-like snippets. (Tim) Creating new components is simple (Art)


Q: Architecture diagram? What components are being used? (Pascal)

A: Tomcat, Node.js, don’t need to be on the same server


Q: What other components are there in the UI? E.g. SASS compiler?

A: SASS->CSS, TypeScript->JS, NPM does that. Node implementation of SASS compiler.


Q: Next directions for JS? (Terry)

A: E.g. React. (Tim) First page rendering on the server really speeds up the user experience. (Art)


Q: Browser compatibility? In relation to server-side rendering. (Kim)



Q: Backward compatibility (e.g. input form declaration file) (Terry)

A: Migration or backward compatibility will be considered. To be decided, still just a POC. (Tim) New formats are an opportunity to solve some current issues. Important that we tested that we can use JSON to dynamically adapt submission form. Opens customizability options. (Andrea)

Q: Would be nice to have separation of visualization vs. validation in input forms. User can play with it since it’s on the client side. (Roeland)


Q: services, DI - related to Java? (Ivan)

A: Services are a TypeScript concept, underlying components, conceptually map well to Java. Services take care of communication via REST, components render the data. Services vs. modules allows for an abstraction layer – e.g. only services could be adapted to DSpace 7 vs. 8 REST API.


Q: Considering using other Spring components (security, auth)? (?)

A: We seem to be gradually moving more toward Spring. Needs volunteers.


Q: We’re behind with DSpace 6, took year and a half, what about DSpace 7? (Pascal)

A: We’ll also likely take a year and a half for DSpace 7. Then hopefully get back to yearly releases.


Q: List of missing features so that devs can implement them? (Mark) List of desired features? (Monika)

A: Currently have list of use cases, will transform to list of features.


Q: compatibility of the UI with older version of DSpace (5, 6) while developing it for DSpace 7

A: Will be considered, we’ll see how hard it will be as we’re adding new features.  (Tim) We can have different builds of the UI for DSpace versions, the architecture of Angular makes it easy (Art)


Q: Security support (Pascal)

A: still as declared, we’ll support JSPUI and XMLUI for 3 years as declared



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