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Call-in Information

Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Brian Lowe 
  2. Georgy Litvinov 
  3. Dragan Ivanovic 
  4. Huda Khan 
  5. William Welling (star)
  6. Benjamin Gross 
  7. Ralph O'Flinn 


  1. Strategy for publishing April release 
    1. Completion of PRs reviewing and Merging PRs
    2. Publishing a release candidate
    3. Testing the release candidate
      1. Wiki page - Release Testing - 1.13.0 
        1. deployment of VIVO and Vitro
          1. mvn clean install
        2. main functionalities
        3. and special focus on new features
          1. new interface translations,
          2. online translation feature,
          3. upload of files 
        4. Advanced tests for software developers
        5. GoogleForms
          1. Standard tests -
            1. To add a question about i18n
          2. Special focus on the new features - to be defined
          3. Advanced tests -
      2. Deadline for responses - May 5th
    4. VIVO 1.13.0 Technical Documentation
      1. New space should be added to wiki, and then page should be copied including children
      2. Adding of technical documentation for:
        1. Uploading files
        2. Configuration of email SMTP server
        3. online localization editor
      3. Deadline April 21st
    5. Publishing VIVO 1.13.0 
      1. Deadline May 12th
  2. Dynamic API Sprint
    1. Requirements for JS and CSS framework selection -
  3. Improvement of GitHub code management 
    1. bug report template
      1. VIVO
      2. DSpace
    2. feature request template
      1. VIVO
      2. DSpace
    3. pull request template
      1. VIVO
      2. DSpace
    4. GitHub actions
      1. list of actions
        1. VIVO
        2. DSpace
      2. build.yml
        1. VIVO
        2. DSpace
      3. docker.yml
        1. VIVO
        2. DSpace
      4. label merge conflicts yml
        1. DSpace
      5. adding new issue to project board yml
        1. DSpace
      6. codeQL analysis
        1. VIVO
    5. labels
      1. list of labels
        1. VIVO
        2. DSpace
      2. assignment of labels to issues
        1. VIVO
        2. DSpace


  1. Dragan: Serbian language PRs merged
  2. Dragan: Will have to check if known vulnerabilities are resolved in Jackson, Jena ARQ, and swagger core
    1. Maven Repository: com.fasterxml.jackson.core » jackson-databind » (
    2. Maven Repository: org.apache.jena » jena-arq » 4.4.0 (
    3. Maven Repository: io.swagger.core.v3 » swagger-core » 2.1.13 (
  3. Dragan: Should update orcid client version
  4. Dragan: Wait for issues in progress for next minor release
    1. Brian working on removing spring dependency
    2. Georgy working on issue
  5. Dragan: Release testing form
    1. Standard:
    2. Advanced:
    3. New Features:
  6. Performance testing?
    1. General issue with inconsistency and concern from minor changes impacting releases performance
  7. Brian: should have ability to backport fixes to previous minor releases
    1. Ralph: requires discipline in isolated commits for only the fix
    2. Benjamin: Don from CU has made requests in the past
    3. Dragan: important to have test coverage to ensure patches work for past versions
    4. Ralph: good ideas but should be future focus
    5. Dragan: how to afford requests for back porting?
    6. Brian: implementers not aware or monitoring security vulnerabilities may rely on the community

Draft notes on Google Drive


Previous actions 

  • No labels