*Deprecated* See https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/VIVODOC/All+Documentation for current documentation

This is an enormous area of work, only a small amount of which will be possible in 1.5. We want to redesign the UI for the existing functionality of the ontology editor, especially for navigating the class and property hierarchies, and provide better help for novice editors of ontologies. In addition, we would like to provide more complete support for OWL 1.0 and 2.0 features. Among other things, this will require a UI that enables creation of complex class expressions anywhere that a named class would currently be selected.


1. design new UI (with any new OWL features in mind)

2. Implement new hierarchy views

3. Freemarker conversion + controller / N3 editing changes to support new UI for non-hierarchy ontology editor pages

4. integrate help features

5. integrate new OWL features

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