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Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT-5) – convert to your time at – and note that the U.S. is on daylight savings time.

Google Doc for notes


  • Colorado (Stephen & Alex) -- working on sparql endpoint, on visualizations with node.js; will be updating the code to download search results as CSV
  • Cornell (Jim, Jon, Brian and Tim) -- working on the caching, including support for caching when there’s multiple languages in use. Brian is committing pieces to support the Integrated Semantic Framework (ISF) ontology -- main infrastructure should be in place soon so can start building out the infrastructure
    • the beta version of ISF is due out by the end of next week
  • Duke (Richard) -- some feedback and small data changes coming in since the go-live last week.  Curious as to how far along VIVO is to using a “real” triple store back end instead of a relational database?  Brian -- we have to decide at some future date whether to switch the default -- you can hook VIVO up to other triple stores now.  Melbourne is using an Oracle store with a Sesame, for example.  Our ability to connect to other triple stores is experimental to the extent that our testing has not identified a recommended candidate; he would be happy to help with configuration changes.
    • Jim notes that we have some models that still use RDB and cannot easily be moved to a different triple store.  They’re small and can easily be loaded into memory -- user accounts and the display model

    • Richard -- Senior IT management is interested in linked open data, and another group is interested in ontology work around sharing data warehouse

    • Alex -- Simon’s (Melbourne) was interested in getting data managed in Oracle so that he could use it with an Oracle Apex application -- that has an application building interface that he likes

  • Florida (Nicholas) -- will be reworking their HR ingest process to help prevent duplicates; anticipate writing new code in Python
  • Stony Brook (Erich) – working full throttle on the WebID implementation -- want to demo a working prototype in August
  • UCSF (Eric) – had a good surprise earlier this week when found had another adopter of OpenSocial gadget stuff at Baylor, using Profiles -- loading gadgets and running in production; took it as a good sign that Baylor could adopt and implement without needing help
    • Eric is getting ready to do a Profiles release with gadgets and will then come back to updating VIVO
    • Baylor seems to have a gadget for users to verify that a publication is correct; Stanford forces verification before it shows up, but Baylor and others are willing to go ahead and show publications until they are rejected. This gadget seems to offer the interface for review and then shows when a publication has been verified by the author

  • Weill Cornell (Paul) – did a first round of ingest of citation counts from Scopus
    • a question to raise -- if use Harvester to bring in single publications, is there any way I can take that publication URI and queue those up for re-indexing and re-inferencing?
    • see notes in VIVO v1.6 release planning
      • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
      • Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
  • any others

VIVO in New York City May 20

  • About 35 people attended a VIVO  gathering at Weill Cornell Medical College Monday afternoon featuring presentations on VIVO activities at Stony Brook, NYU, Weill Cornell, and Brown.  Thanks to the presenters for demoing their sites, describing customizations, and showing work in progress.  Jonathan Markow from DuraSpace also gave an overview of that organization and the VIVO incubation process described at

VIVO webinars

  • The slides and recording from the May 14 VIVO Overview webinar are available online.
  • John Fereira gave a NISO/DCMI webinar May 22 that will be available online shortly
  • we have two more upcoming webinars:
    • June 4 -- Case Studies: VIVO at Colorado, Duke, Brown and Weill Cornell Medical College.  Register HERE
    • June 11 -- VIVO Technical Deep Dive. Register HERE

Notable implementation and development list issues

  • anything more on Fuseki behind Apache (Stephen)

  • Web Stats for VIVO sites (Alex) – Had lunch with some local web and mobile app startup founders and they spent a good portion of lunch talking about the analytics tools they were using. It seemed like most used Google Analytics (GA), but had moved beyond GA and were praising Mixpanel ( and Chartbeat ( as alternatives that were more accessible than GA for startups (aka small teams with no analyst FTEs). 
    • Does anyone have experience with Mixpanel or Chartbeat?
  • see also VIVO 1.6 release planning in this wiki

Call-in Information

Date: Every Thursday, no end date

Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Meeting Number: 641 825 891

To join the online meeting

To join the audio conference only

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