*Deprecated* See https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/VIVODOC/All+Documentation for current documentation

ElementDescription (replace text below with your text)
Title (Goal)Supplement an online Blacklight discovery environment with a document repository supporting document/image deposit with flexible metadata as well as collection management functions
Primary ActorAimed at an overall Agriknowledge content and collection manager plus collection-level curators submitting and adding basic metadata to one or more collections remotely
ScopeLikely fairly broad – will affect control of the public-facing search and browse functionality, the addition and/or updating of content, and the ability to add additional metadata fields on a per-collection or overall basis
LevelFeature overview – would need to be broken out into individual use cases, each potentially having multiple stories and a series of tasks
StoryAs a manager and outreach coordinator for the Agriknowledge project, I need to find and add content for an online website providing a single overall discovery point for related digital collections needing individual branding, customized metadata extensions, and sufficient workflow capability to allow me to manage collections and train curators who may live and work remotely to submit new content and provide essential metadata. I need to replace a cobbled-together series of semi-automated workflow steps with a collection administration tool that supports collection-specific access control and metadata, without going so far as needing an editing environment suitable for end users with no training.

Supplementary Content

This use case is intended to dovetail as closely as possible with current road maps for then Sufia repository, a Hydra Project initiative, and is being implemented at Cornell during the summer and fall of 2015.  This use case will likely not extend to being able to create and maintain independent entities with URIs outside the repository namespace for resources such as authors, organizations, journals, places, or subject headings.

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