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A CDL representative will act as interim Chair until a Chair is selected by the AG.

1. Meeting notes from Sept 27:
2. notes from sustainability discussion, preceded by draft cost categories
3. draft WG invitation letter

Discussion Items


Review Action items from our last meeting

  1. ACTION - Kate offered to write up some thoughts on the Sustainability WG and how to diversify the revenue streams and make sure there is representation from people with different experiences and models.  status: a small group met and started a draft of cost categories, with notes at [2] above
  2. ACTION - Sebastien will ask Emmanuelle if she can be on the tech WG. status: done, accepted
  3. ACTION - send a blanket invitation to the WGs to the EOI list. This template will be repurposed for sending invites to specific people for specific WGs. status: draft ready for review at [3]
  4. ACTION - Establish expectations for WG participation. Put in language about how to rotate off and how to switch up liaisons. Liaison can help assess how many people should be in group and if it's working and if changes are needed. status: not started
  5. ACTION - all will make suggestions offline for additional names for WGs. status: unknown
  6. ACTION - John will send out an excel spreadsheet of the EOI (Expression of Interest) form responses including the specific comments about what they want to participate in. status: done
  7. ACTION - message the full group to determine regular meeting date/time  status: done, decided on 2nd Thursday of each month
  8. ACTION - create accounts for all AG members so they can edit the wiki, add notes, tag specific people for action items (person receiving an email reminder) status: started

Attending - John Howard, Mark Phillips, Kurt, John Kunze, Heather Greer Klein, Erin Tripp

Announcements -

  1. Andrew Trelor - stepping down because of time commitment. Natasha, a colleague is recommended for a WG. John K will run with that.
  2. National University of Ireland, Galway and CalTech both Expressed Interest in getting involved this week.
  3. Communications - can we set up a new Google Group for the Advisory Group?

Updates on Action Items

Kate kindly drafted some categories for sustainability.

ACTION - Everyone to review documentation and provide feedback by Thurs, Nov 22 to new Google Group.

One big category of cost is N2T infrastructure. In talks with CalTech, someone there reviewed it and is interested in deploying it. They're interested in making modifications and deploying it. They have local dev resources. If they did a re-write it would be welcome and if we could use it, it would be a big breakthough. We could get them excited about new features. They have FIVE developers!

We have someone from the BnF who has volunteered to serve on the technical WG. Great because she will co-author the specification.

Invitation template is perfect for people we don't know well. If we know the person we can likely recommend they join a specific WG based on our knowledge of them. We can also include why we feel they'd be a good fit for the WG. Flattery doesn't hurt.


Establishing expectations for WG participation. What do people think. Can we brainstorm terms of service?

  • Clear charter and scope
  • Defined timeline - 6 - 8 or something. It's enough time to get it done but not too long a commitment. A year isn't too long. It goes by quickly.
  • Each WG should have at least one AG member. or perhaps 2 - co-chairs.

ACTION - Erin to link template for charter: Task Force Charter Template

ACTION - John and Kurt to look at drafting charter for each group.

ACTION - David, Heather, Erin, John, and Kurt to meet to talk about logistics to kick off each WG.

Collecting names for Working Groups. Family Search - we need to talk to them to see if they have more than one person they could lend to the WGs.

We want to target some of the larger users.

Nominations to each WG

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