
Call-in Information

Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time, or 4:00 pm, Central European Summer Time


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic (star)    
  2. Georgy Litvinov 
  3. Brian Lowe 
  4. William Welling 


  1. Demo sample data
  2. Upgrade issue
  3. GitHub actions
  4. Progress on the implementation/review
  5. Short term tasks (3-6 months)
    1. Best practices for good performance
      1. Brian / Georgy 
      2. Translations
        1. later
    2. Official, tested Docker Image of latest release that people can grab and install, with data persistence between new images and upgrades.

      1. William Welling
    3. Basic Branding: Logo, Colors, etc. via the UI
      1. Milos Popovic
      2. editing other configuration properties
    4. Out of the box connections with one of a choice of existing read-only data sources (Web of Science, Scopus, OpenAlex, PubMed, DSpace)
      1. Georgy
      2. deduplication, more than one source
    5. Metadata that is not part of the graph
      1. vCard ??? 
        1. Georgy
    6. Audit tool/Version history of changes (required for GDPR compliance)
      1. done - Georgy
    7. WCAG compilence
      1. Milos Popovic
    8. Analytics (Switch to Elastic search with use of Kibana?)
      1. Ivan Mrsulja
    9. REST API
      1. Ivan Mrsulja
    10. Graph API
    11. OAI-PMH
    12. Jena 3 to Jena 5
      1. Brian


Demo sample data

Dragan reported about the progress on generic synthetic sample data for the VIVO demo site. Ivan is working on this task. He started from a sample-data-generator and improved it. The current result can be found at It was more than 100MB, therefore Ivan split the result into four files. Georgy will talk with TIB colleagues whether there is a sense in adding those sample data into

Upgrade issue 

Dragan asked whether the issue described in the email is linked with Georgy believes it might be and has a suggestion to overcome this issue while we are waiting for the fix of docker. Georgy will write that in a comment. Dragan will respond to the email and point to Georgy’s comment. 

GitHub actions

Some VIVO github actions were failing due to inaccurate user account information for sonatype. Dragan fixed that. Moreover, Dragan also replaced the user account for the docker hub in the github secrets. Now it is a user account based on William helped in assigning privileges for this account.

Progress on the implementation/review

Two PRs are reviewed and ready to be merged if there is no other objection from the VIVO committers,

The Team discussed about the name of the exported CSV and XML file -

Georgy fixed the name in accordance with suggestions (suffix searchresults instead of searchterm). The PR is ready to be merged. 

Team discussed simplification of PRs for VIVO docker improvements and decoupling building and deployment -,,

The idea is to remove logic for checking manual change of files in vivo-home/rdf by customers. Logic is based on a digest file. Moreover, application context file for root user account email and the default namespace. 

Short term tasks (3-6 months)

The VIVO leadership group created an interest group which is working on defining short-term and long-term goals for the VIVO development. Some tasks have been defined, the committers team should try to make rough estimation of resources needed for tasks’ implementation. At the next Thursday meeting we will discuss that, meanwhile everyone should think a little bit about listed tasks (above in the meeting agenda).

Draft notes on Google Drive


Previous actions 

  • Dragan to create an issue for updating the GitHub action to create a Docker image on release instead of on push to main branch -
  • Dragan to consult with the Leadership group on which sample data should be included in the demo site
  • Dragan to update the Google form instructions for testing the UMLS configuration in the next release candidate 
  • All to test VIVO 1.15.0 release candidate 1
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