
Time: 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time US (UTC-4)

URL: https://duraspace.zoom.us/my/fedora

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  • Chris Awre 
  • Aaron Birkland
  • Danny Bernstein (star)
  • Robert Cartolano
  • Aaron Choate
  • Sayeed Choudhury
  • Stefano Cossu
  • Tom Cramer
  • Joanna DiPasquale 
  • Jon Dunn
  • Karen Estlund
  • Declan Fleming
  • Maude Francis
  • Neil Jefferies
  • Debra Kurtz
  • Susan Lafferty
  • Danny Lamb
  • Steve Marks
  • Rosalyn Metz 
  • Tom Murphy 
  • Este Pope 
  • Robin Ruggaber 
  • Tim Shearer
  • Jon Stroop
  • Jennifer Vinopal
  • Carolyn Caizzi
  • Ben Wallberg
  • Jared Whiklo
  • David Wilcox
  • Andrew Woods
  • Maurice York


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Previous Action Items

  • All: Explore how to bring better cross-effort alignment between Fedora and other repository efforts.
  • Andrew Woods / David Wilcox: send budget information for slack


  • Welcome to Daniel Lamb, Islandora technical liason
  • Who from the Samvera community can act as technical liason? 
    • Rosy:  once the samvera roadmap council is created it seems we should be able to recruit someone from that group.
      • Sometime between July and the end of Summer.
      • Tom Johnson is currently serving as tech lead for hyrax - possibility? 
      • Once the group is formed, we should push on them to designate a representative.
  • CLAW meeting:
    • community is coalescing around CLAW and committed to working together.
  • Membership task force:
    • call for volunteers:
      • Not a door to door sales team
      • Soft recruitment through your contacts with the community
      • May-October term
      • Keep in touch every few weeks
      • Lead sharing,  sending emails, updating the spreadsheet
      • Jump in when you can
  • Vision and Strategy Template:
    • Stefano Cossu: Communication and Outreach needs more review before leaders group meeting
    • Intent for the meeting at OR is to focus on implementation of the vision and strategy (rather than finishing up the document)
  • Technical Initiatives and Priorities
    • Nothing new in the technical priorities
      • API specification 
      • Alignment of the specification
      • Compatibility Test Suite
    • Prioritized technical issues
      • Organized by impact
      • Need to identify level of effort and how impactful the change would be
      • Leaders to pass along to their teams to see if it is comprehensive
      • Other possible issues: diagnostics/health
    • Alignment sprints
      • Very productive
      • Ended on the 27th
      • Closed over 30 issues
      • 11 participants
      • Focused on Memento and WebAC
        • Closed the loop on versioning
        • Refactored WebAC to bring spec into alignment and reduce dependency on ModeShape
      • Lots of work on compatibility test suite
      • One or two more sprints to 5.0
  • JHU: PASS (https://osf.io/8qfzj/)
    • Initially focused on NIH, NLM (pubmed central)
    • By June 30th aimed at integrating directly with NIH with plans for integration with other funding agencies subsequently
    • Aligns public access policy with the institutional open access policy
    • Fedora is used the back-end storage but will eventually used for institutional repository and data archive
    • Can deposit both articles and data archive simultaneously to multiple targets or repositories
    • Gives PI option for submitting articles to PMC without having to pay publisher fees.
    • Example of deploying fedora directly on the web.

Action Items