JIRA DfR 0.2 Tasks

Sync Tool (Bill to jira)

  • Determine the deployment strategy for the DfR sync tool (DFR-90)
    • Deployed as a webapp with embedded Jetty is a likely starting point
  • Create a DuraCloud sync tool variant which uses the DfR deployment strategy (DFR-91)
    • Create a very simple UI for the DfR sync tool (to demonstrate the deployment strategy)
  • Create a design for the DfR Sync Tool UI (DFR-92)

OCS (Dan to jira)

  • Update OCS to create Islandora-compliant Fedora objects based on DuraCloud ingest notifications
    • Will require design work for base Fedora object to be created for DfR
    • Validate that Fedora objects created by OCS can be discovered via the Smithsonian application
  • Integrate file-type determination into OCS flow (DFR-88)
  • Save checksums in produced Fedora objects (DFR-76)
  • Select third-party tool for OCS execution environment (DFR-89)
    • Important components: Spring, JMS, something like Camel

CloudSync (Chris to jira)

  • Import/export config (CLOUDSYNC-11 >> DFR-93)
  • Be able to perform an on-going syncronization action, recognizing changes in Fedora, and moving exported objects to DuraCloud (CLOUDSYNC-25 >> DFR-94)

Smithsonian UI (Andrew to jira)

  • Build and deploy the Smithsonian application (or equivalent) in a private AMI for DfR testing (DFR-100)

Security (Andrew to jira)

  • Allow for logging in to DuraCloud MC via Shibboleth (DFR-98)
    • Basic auth should be provided for init (DFR-97)
  • Create a DuraSpace IdP (DFR-99)
  • No labels