Attendees: Jennifer Gilbert, Este Pope, Dustin Slater

Guest: Arran Griffith

  • Say THANK YOU to Dustin Slater for his efforts over the past few years as he rolls off Fedora Leaders and our subgroup this month.
    • Arran is going to add a thank you to the Fedora Leaders minutes for Dustin and others rolling off Fedora Leaders this June.
  • Touch base about the Twitter account (and potential DLF teach in)
    • Set to go in August. Outline of questions 10 questions over a timeframe, use #DLFTeach, create a Google doc to share with group of questions to outreach to the general public related to Fedora. Submit questions to DLF in advance. August 17th (see template). Would be ideal to have Fedora members engaging with the tweets on that day. Twitter handle: @FedoraProgram, the old Fedora twitter handle (@FedoraRepo) does still exist but it can't be reactivated
    • Use next meeting to review and plan questions for the DLFTeach
  • Discuss timing for launch of the Redbubble site/image with Fedora 6, and thank you gifts/etc. for committers
    • We are about 3 weeks away from the release.
    • David/Danny would like our help to plan and host a release party. A Friday afternoon - recognition for committers and institutions who have contributed in some way. Danny focus on how to recognize the committers. Engagement at release party - fun activity, prizes to entice attendance, something to celebrate.
      • Date - A thursday roughly 1pm ET?? To be able to have a wide range of time zones attend, possibly first full week of July?
      • Budget for prizes - give away tshirts and mugs
      • Committers - order trophies for them
      • Wear past Fedora tshirts to the event
      • Committee help draft communication invite/email/reminder. Creating engagement piece during the meeting. 
      • Is this for Fedora folks internally or can we invite anyone as a way for people to engage with Fedora?
      • Could structure it - 1st hour, presentation more formal portion (for anyone), 2nd hour more social/games
      • Danny to speak about committers, a little formal/informal discussion about what is included, invite past committers
      • Fedora Spotify list - live Fedora DJ - Train playlist?
    • For the image - unveil it in a blog post - hope is production release is out, the graphic gets revealed. Draft blog post, share with this group. Plan for this to go out later this month. 
  • Check in about how things are going with the Featured Institutions and the Meet the Members - do we need to get more volunteers??
    • Would like to continue to get more of these and share on Twitter. Arran will be pulling together a blog post about the ones that have featured already. Would love to get some institutions that aren't overly active - ones we don't hear about as often. Will make a plug at the meeting on Friday with the form
  • What can we do to support the member engagement efforts around planning for technical roadmap after Fedora 6?
    • Will look to take input from the Leaders meeting
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